Scratches and dents make Jehovah sad. Become Jehovah's friend, get your vehicle repaired.
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Local Needs Talk: Brothers must repair dents and scratches on their vehicles...
by Calebs Airplane inso about 8 years ago, we had a local needs talk about dents an scratches !!!!
it was given by the cobe and this guy was just your normal everyday elder.
except he had his occasional pet peeves... like (you guessed it) dents and scratches on some of the brothers' vehicles.
Role Reversal: Placing 1969 Awake with JW's Manning the New Portable Literature Displays
by snapdragon4 inin recent weeks the jw’s here in the uk have been setting up their new portable watchtower literature displays in my local town square on a saturday morning.
as they hadn’t knocked on my door for at least five years, and consequently feeling somewhat neglected, i thought that i would pay them a visit instead.. .
the first thing i needed to do was arrange my literature.
Why does an Omni... God need Jesus and the 144,000 co-rulers?
by jwfacts inat the thread about jaracz steve2 made the following interesting comment.
by now, ted should be finding his heavenly posting a routinized bore: 4 years and still counting.
he will have chaffed at the notion that all decisions are made by jehovah god who consults no one and who brooks no questioning or independent thinking.
Jehovah will probably just have a lot to do after Armageddon, you know with Satan and the Demons and the abyss and all.
And he is getting older, so he probably will not want to work as hard as he use to. If he can a get few helpers in, say 144000, he will be able to concentrate on enjoying his time.
Maybe some travel, see the universe, enjoy the grand kids, you know, normal stuff.
Things on which we should not speculate (w62)
by Splash in*** w62 6/15 p. 381 avoid unprofitable questions ***.
"likewise it is possible to spend valuable time speculating on matters concerning the might ask, .
in what year will armageddon begin?
These are typical questions to which Jehovah has not provided answers at this time.
Typical questions for superstitious, mind controlled, cult victims maybe.
To normal people these questions would just seem creepy, wierd, scary, bizarre, sad, confusing. Ultimately, the questions would just raise even more questions.
Things on which we should not speculate (w62)
by Splash in*** w62 6/15 p. 381 avoid unprofitable questions ***.
"likewise it is possible to spend valuable time speculating on matters concerning the might ask, .
in what year will armageddon begin?
Ahhh yes!
The age old question....... Will men wear beards again?
Seriously, you can't make this stuff up. Those Celebrated Watchower Scholars and their timely spiritual food.
It is funny to think of JWs looking forward to the new system just so they can get answers to these questions.
Did anyone notice this?? Think: Noah's Arc
by Bloody Hotdogs! in[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:worddocument> <w:view>normal</w:view> <w:zoom>0</w:zoom> <w:punctuationkerning /> <w:validateagainstschemas /> <w:saveifxmlinvalid>false</w:saveifxmlinvalid> <w:ignoremixedcontent>false</w:ignoremixedcontent> <w:alwaysshowplaceholdertext>false</w:alwaysshowplaceholdertext> <w:compatibility> <w:breakwrappedtables /> <w:snaptogridincell /> <w:wraptextwithpunct /> <w:useasianbreakrules /> <w:dontgrowautofit /> </w:compatibility> <w:browserlevel>microsoftinternetexplorer4</w:browserlevel> </w:worddocument> </xml><!
[endif]the september 2013 awake has this to say about the length of zheng he's treasure ships:.
"historical records from the ming dynasty say that zheng hes treasure ships were amazingly large447 feet (136 m) long and 183 feet (56 m) wide.
mP, I think you maybe misunderestimatimg the magical tar.
Secret "codes" that the W.T. use for their publications?
by hubert inhi, i haven't been on here for a really long time and stopped researching, however, i am starting to get back into it again.. so with that said, i have a question.... when i looked up a word phrase i wanted to find in an old 2004 w.t.
library cd, it came up with a code of "ts" at the bottom of the printout that i printed.
i failed to note what j.w.
I think they should change the codes to BS. This would be a happifying simplification.
Did anyone notice this?? Think: Noah's Arc
by Bloody Hotdogs! in[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:worddocument> <w:view>normal</w:view> <w:zoom>0</w:zoom> <w:punctuationkerning /> <w:validateagainstschemas /> <w:saveifxmlinvalid>false</w:saveifxmlinvalid> <w:ignoremixedcontent>false</w:ignoremixedcontent> <w:alwaysshowplaceholdertext>false</w:alwaysshowplaceholdertext> <w:compatibility> <w:breakwrappedtables /> <w:snaptogridincell /> <w:wraptextwithpunct /> <w:useasianbreakrules /> <w:dontgrowautofit /> </w:compatibility> <w:browserlevel>microsoftinternetexplorer4</w:browserlevel> </w:worddocument> </xml><!
[endif]the september 2013 awake has this to say about the length of zheng he's treasure ships:.
"historical records from the ming dynasty say that zheng hes treasure ships were amazingly large447 feet (136 m) long and 183 feet (56 m) wide.
I think you forget that he covered the ark with tar.
Honest to Zeus, this is what one elder told me a while back when I mentioned the impossibility of Noah's ark floating.
What use is God?
by punkofnice seems like the human race is in the process of solving it's own problems......isn't it?
god is doing what exactly?
god seems rather want to show his boat race about this planet any more.
2000 years of waiting has taken its toll.
How successful we're quickly builds in your area
by joe134cd ini remember hearing about quickly builds how this was a sign of jehovah's spirit that the kh could be built in 3 days.
but what i am wondering is just how successful we're these builds.
i can think of a couple of halls that were built by the quickly built methods that i would suspect they would of lost money on.
Yes my application was never approved either.