This is exactly what I was talking about. The dogmatism of the anti theism/pro soccer peolple who prevent any type of meaningful discussion.
Posts by 2+2=5
Do you beleive in ghosts??
by quellycatface ini was always told it was satan and his demons making people think they exist.
not sure.
i always thought the guy that excavated king tutenkahmun had a curse on him though.. .
Do you beleive in ghosts??
by quellycatface ini was always told it was satan and his demons making people think they exist.
not sure.
i always thought the guy that excavated king tutenkahmun had a curse on him though.. .
I don't think it is wise for me to talk about football with Cofty. We have conflicting views on football.
Do ghosts play Footy? Did Jesus play? Well don't ask Cofty, he is closed minded. This discussion is for open minded people only.
Thoughts on going back, am I the only one that feels this way?
by excaliber inhello everyone, i know you have heard this topic before and your probably thinking.
...not again lol.. but i was wondering if anyone has thought of going back for the same reasons as myself, i don't think its the truth but i searched and my conclusion is that other religions don't have the truth, they are all wrong in my opinion.
if there is no other religion to go too, why leave were i was born and raised.
I would rather have shards of glass rammed in my anus, but that's just me.
For the love of God Narcissistic Supply, that video is 2 and a half hours long. I'll get back to you in the winter.
How bad is the nepotism really with the appointments of elders?
by toto555 ini've seen brothers related or who are friends of elders who get appointed after only 6-12 months as an m.s.
while they were other brothers slaving away for years.
elders also who promote their sons and basically say to other young brothers "to heck with everyone else".
SFPW, these types of appointments will probably become a regular thing in your congregation, since Jehovahs blessing and Holy Spirit is no longer working there because of your continual disobedience to the F&DS. You are very naughty, visiting and commenting on apostate sites. Go confess to the elders so the Holy Spirit can get back to work.
Why does Organic Chemistry prove God's exists?
by KateWild inso bring it on, and lay the evidence on me, kate (but perhaps you should start a new thread).-adam.
it does not prove god exists, there is no substantial evidence god is real.
if one is a self labeled atheist, one has no desire to see gods fingerprints in organic chemistry.
What religion are you associated with Kate?
You put your right foot put your left foot out...
by hokeypokey inenjoying the commentary on this board and up at night doing some research.
coming to grips with my new reality.
- hokey pokey.
That's what it's all about. Hello and welcome.
A New Recipe!
by abiather inhere's a recipe to make every interaction count:.
2 heaped cups of patience.
1 head of thoughtfulness.
Needs more vodka
Fallacies about Faith
by tec inpeace to you!.
this thread is about false things (some) atheists think theists believe.
this is not a thread about false things that atheists think about theists.
It's a wonder you don't choke on all this crap you talk. Honestly, it's painful to read.
It goes something like this, " God does bad in the OT?? This cannot be true, Christ taught me otherwise, he is my personal tutor. "
Sighhhhhhhh, the Draw Close to Jehovah book again for the Congregation Bible Study.
by Stand for Pure Worship incheck out this gem from the dec 2013 km which explains why it's good to over this book a second go round.. "congregations previously considered this book during 2004 and 2005. however,for many of the approximately two million publishers who have come into the truth since then,this will be the first time that jehovahs endearing qualities have been discussed in detail.for those who studied the book before, the review will help them to deepen their appreciation forjehovahs".
i gotta kick out of this because i can only think of maybe two or three new ones in our congregation who weren't present when this book was first studied.
at the same time, going over jehovah's qualities isn't something new.
What do you expect? A new 174 page book detailing how the octopope is now the F&DS?
It doesn't matter what meeting, convention or 'special' talk it is, it is always the same crap.
Reheat it. Stir it. Serve it.
Prepare for meetings??
by Jen1 indo you prepare for meetings?
if i go i spend a few minutes underlinging my books/watchtower.. i have noticed that those who do the micks especially notice when your stuff is not underlined, and comments are made after the meeting, not so gentle hints, about study and preperation!
in other words i am being told off, its usually the ones who are highly critical of everything i do, sometimes their whole family seems to be straining to see if my stuff is underlined, i know this because i heard the daughter to family wisper her watchtower is not underlined!.
The resident window cleaning MS stumbles his way through a paragraph in a monotone.
A strikingly obvious question is asked and then 4 different people give the same damn answer in slightly different terms, which is then followed by the study conductor repeating the already much repeated answers to make sure we all get the point.
They want everyone to prepare for this? Bash me over the head with something, that would be the perfect preparation.