Come back punk!!! Jesus loves you!
Posts by 2+2=5
Fallacies about Faith
by tec inpeace to you!.
this thread is about false things (some) atheists think theists believe.
this is not a thread about false things that atheists think about theists.
Fallacies about Faith
by tec inpeace to you!.
this thread is about false things (some) atheists think theists believe.
this is not a thread about false things that atheists think about theists.
All this "My lord spoke to me" BS is utterly ridiculous and not a single person with even a shred of common sense, could possibly consider any part of these delusional rantings are anything other than pure fiction.
I cannot over emphasize how ludicrous this garbage sounds to the overwhelming majority of people. Arrogant, delusional, condescending don't even come close to describing these stupid posts about hearing the voice of Christ.
That is all I will say on the subject.
Peace be with you
a slave of common sense
Tomorrow's World - Some WT like Mag delivered to my residence.
by Band on the Run inmy mailbox contained more than the usual collection of catalogues that i can easily go online to view.
a wt mag called tomorrow's world from an unkown group was mailed to my home address.
i don't need such garbage in my home.
I fail to see the what the big deal is.
I get religious crap in my mail box regularly, I don't panic or feel violated, I just throw it in the bin and never give it a second thought.
That works for me, try it out and see how you feel.
by WatchTower87 inthe official theme is :.
"keep on, seeking first the kingdom" matthew 6:33.
Nice to have you back around punk. When I first started lurking here I was shocked when I read your posts. Now it just makes me smile.
Head of the House?
by cofty ini often see comments by ex-jws that would suggest some men still view themselves as "head of the house".
sometimes comments from women appear to support the idea as well.. how many still see things this way or have you completely got over it?.
Once I learned TTATT, unchained my wife from the kitchen and allowed her to call me by my first name, our marriage improved dramatically.
i wish more churches would preach truth like this
by unstopableravens in
tammy: when you hear gods voice in your head, what accent does he have?
I am hoping that he sounds like a little Irish leprechaun.
i wish more churches would preach truth like this
by unstopableravens in
You believe God has set up a place to toture people for eternity?
That is pretty sick, I hope you don't teach your kids that filth.
i wish more churches would preach truth like this
by unstopableravens in
Haha keep those pictures coming. Nothing like humor and satire to expose silly ideas.
i wish more churches would preach truth like this
by unstopableravens in
That picture on page 4 is priceless. Funny as hell, which isn't a real place, unstop.
Millions die in Natural disasters - God is doing nothing. Do I adopt Anthropomorphism to him?
by KateWild ini do not think god is a'morphic.
god is not human, so hence he does not possess human characteristics, to know god better and to understand him better i study science.
there has been a new discovery of strange signals picked up from black holes and distant supernovae suggest there's more to space-time than einstein believed.
Kate, you should really have titled this thread, "Vague conjecture about Einstein, God and the word 'science'"
Honestly, I don't understand half of what you say.
I enjoy religious things, such as science
Case in point