Posts by 2+2=5
Bets on when the UN prophecy will be dropped?
by marmot innow that i'm free to bet, i figured it would be neat to start a pool on when the watchtower is going to change light bulbs on the prophecy about the united nations turning on worldwide religion.
there is no doubt in my mind that this prediction will be dropped.
not only is this the longest-running unchanged prediction in the wt's history (1925 and 1975 had much shorter gestations) it's the last detailed concrete prediction the society has left in its bag of tricks.
The JWs ridiculous interpretation of Revelation 18 played a large part in my waking up. Their whole theology is a complete dogs breakfast. -
What do you think is the source of your consciousness? Can it be copied or transferred?
by EndofMysteries inthis seems to be a question that even scientifically is still in the air.
right now your consciousness, is it the physical part of the brain?
the electrical signals in the brain?
You certainly are a man of faith Coldsteel. -
Evil Bible
by Simon inhadn't seen this site before, i thought i'd share it:.
I smashed "dislike" so hard when I read that dribble Perry. Felt good. -
The Jehovah's Witnesses' Governing Body are Elitists (Here is why)
by Terry inan "elite" group is one which has special privileges not granted to others.. and obscurantist elite, is a group which hides information by virtue of its own claim to be special and a sole source in dispensing necessary truths.. to wit:.
the gb's elitism shines through in articles such as this:.
“thus the bible is an organizational book and belongs to the christian congregation as an organization, not to individuals , regardless of how sincerely they may believe that they can interpret the bible .
All religions try to get their members to adhere to their purpose and goal
I know. It really stinks.
Come home Cardinal Pell (song)
by zound inenjoy a catchy protest song imploring catholic cardinal george pell to return to australia to face the royal commission for years of covering up child abuse.
just as the royal commission began uncovering dirt, george pell got 'promoted' and moved from australia to the vatican.
now he is coincidently too 'unwell' to return to australia to face the commission.
Tim Minchin is a saint. -
WT should admit that 1914
by bobld inwas a man made date when jesus came and that a generation is not 102 plus years.. why not say something like this.when the disciples asked jesus for a sign and the end of the age.jesus gave them a composite sign and said all these things will take place.when-before the people now living(at the end of the age which no one knows)have all died..
Rutherford was rumoured to have been a real piece of shit.
That's how we do it, right Krejames?
A great suggestion from a current Bethelite on the chopping block
by Gilbeath Haaraloth ina very close friend of mine has gotten his letter.
although he was planning to leave willingly, he told me that he can't help but feel a sense of being stabbed in the back by a bunch of self righteous traitors.
he gave tours for years, always telling the visitors "this is the best way of life, i would never change anything here and i'll never regret making this decision to come here.
He is going full apostate,
Everybody knows you never go full apostate.
I lied to the elders
by atacrossroads ini stopped attending meetings all together in january 2015. before that my attendance was irregular at best.
my husband followed suit a few months ago after months of research, agony, and indecision on his part.
from the very beginning i laid low and did not share with anyone what i found out about the witnesses because i did not want to be df'd.
So did I. -
Movement by the Australian Government
by no-zombie inin responce to the royal commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse held in australia last year, the state government of new south wales has passed legislation that removes the time limit on civil claims for child sexual abuse.
while not applying to the whole of australia, its likely that the other state will follow nsw's example shortly.
for those living outside of australia, it may be interesting to note that nsw is australia's largest state (by population) and therefore should cover approximately 30% of the country's of child abuse victims..
Top marks for posting that.
You have earned yourself an elephant stamp.
by biblexaminer inin 2009, a new company, traded on the new york stock exchange was initiated.. watchtower inc. wtwr.
corporate headquarters.
100 henry streetbrooklyn, new york 11201united states.
Funny thing is, that company morphed into a marijuana growing company - still owned by Reibling.
"Biofuel" --->>> marijuana.
Henry Ford built his first model-T vehicle to run on hemp bio-fuel. The car was also constructed from hemp.
Off topic.... Carry on.