Did someone say "love your enemies"??
Nahh! Let's all hate those filthy detestable people, in the truest sense, a pure hatred. That's the Christian way.
"" (the watchtower, 6/15 1995, p. 4).
" (the watchtower, 11/15 1952, p. 703).
" (the watchtower, 10/1 1952, p. 599).
Did someone say "love your enemies"??
Nahh! Let's all hate those filthy detestable people, in the truest sense, a pure hatred. That's the Christian way.
if doctrinal explanations are missing from the article, it is because they are also missing from the magazine.. i would like to give my thanks again to my source for supplying me with the magazine article weeks ahead of its scheduled release.
it showed remarkable courage, because risks were taken.
All this crap the GB have come up with about themselves being the FDS is such a blatant power grab. Why would Christians concern themselves with this garbage? It seems the GB are not really Christians, they are just out to control them. I hope this arrogant self promotion helps some poor JWs wake up, my family especially. Thanks for your efforts Cedars.
can you stop obsessing over wt doctrines and wt magazines.
and wt books and wt history ???
one original idea or doctrine ,its all copy-cat from millerites, .
Villagegirl, you are just one thread that makes up the rich tapestry that is this site. We are all unique with our own circumstances.
You maintain a Christian perspective while some here are atheists. If you don't care much for a certain topic just move on and read something else.
even as an elder, i had doubts as to this being "the one true religion".
i personally had chosen 2014 as one of those "make or break" dates.
fortunately, i left years ago.
2014 might get a few JW minds thinking about things and may cause a few doubts for some. The real damage will begin in the years following 2014. 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018. 1914 is becoming more and more irrelevant with each passing year and decade.
Can you imagine feeling any excitement or enthusiasm for the Heavenly Kingdom established in 1914 in the year 2020? Wait till 2023 (or pick any year in the not to distant future). We will soon be a quarter of a way through the 21st century, and 1914 is going to be egg all over this religions face. A huge stinky elephant in the Governing Body Boardroom.
remember the guys that started the shit storm with the deaf sign language video?
the multiple funny versions at youtube?.
this time they are mocking the tract (the guy that started this isn't even a ex-jw, but they are pretty good at taking down cults!).
Welcome to the Beach!! Want to see a cool trick? Give me your sandwich! Hahaha.
I found the Nick Cage one real funny, with his face imposed all over the crowd's, creepy and hilarious.... I love it.
we believe that 99.9% of earths population will be soon put to death because of their unrighteousness and hatred of god.
this probably means that you wont make it.
sorry bout that.. god is using us to warn the entire world of mankind.
Well it sounds crazy when you put it like that SIAM.... without all the 'evidently' spin and WT speak.
Didn't you know that the message about 99.9% of the earths population being killed and only JW's being saved is a subliminal message found in the literature, used to keep everyone in fear? It is not supposed to be revealed to the public in such a straight forward manner. We don't want them thinking we are crazy!
You should re-post the whole thing with a big line through the section about how the Governing Body represent the anointed. We now know that the men in Brooklyn are the FDS. We love this new idea.
penitants from all over the world will reenact the crucifixion scene with some literally being nailed to a cross.
others will walk on their knees bleeding, holding candles, saying prayers.
in thousands of churches around the world the mel gibsonish scene of a pulverized jesus will pull at the emotions of christians.. as jws we always saw this rather bloodless sanitary nordic looking jesus to deal with but within the catholic and protestant churches this is their week to go full on corporal.. what do you suppose the fascination is with the crucifixion..
One thing I have noticed here in Australia, is that the Catholic, Anglican etc. church leaders who are preaching the Good Friday message on TV are actually more inline with the Bible's message then the JW's have ever been. The death and resurrection of Jesus, forgiveness of sins, love and charitable giving. No rules and regulations and a looong list of divine requirements.
This time last year I was handing out memorial invites like they were going out of style, believing that I had the true message that people needed to hear. I now listen to mainstream church leaders and I can see that they are doing a much better job of preaching the Good News than the JW's. No magazines on 'The Mighty Carrot' or the 'The Humble Potato', just the Good News.
unfortunatley, i still go to many meetings as i am working on getting my wife to wake up.
for the most part i maintain my composure but there have been two or three times when i actually have gotten so upset and the frustration built so high that i have come very come close to actually slamming something down or pounding the table in the literature room, or shouting out how i felt!
has anyone else felt this way?
I know the feeling, it usually starts during the opening prayer and lingers untill the final amen. I only occasionly attend meetings now as they are not good for my sanity. Kinda sad because I have family and friends there who I love, but going to meetings is like eating rotten food. During the final talk at the last CA I had to leave, I had well and truly had enough.
i have a new poll at jwfacts.mobi/pollsarchive/ as i am very interested to see what people have moved on to believe.
as this is considered sensitive by some, you can answer anonymously at the jwfacts.mobi/pollsarchive/, or answer on this thread.
this is what i have created in the list, but feel free to add comments, corrections, or options i have missed.. .
A man is accepted into a church for what he believes and he is kicked out for what he knows. — Samuel Clemens
since april 1st will be officially 6 months and i will be considered inactive, i thought this would be a good time for me to review my life since leaving....and i guess wtbt$ is right in that my life would return to a debauched state if i left them...so here is my review and i'm being totally serious here.. .
sex: yes i have sex with my husband.....i guess we have returned to the world because we take advantage of our marital dues.. related to sex: no longer just missionary.
drugs: yes i have been taking drugs......my allergies have been so bad the last few days i just couldn't handle it anymore and i gave in to the temptation to take over the counter allergies medicine.. rock and roll: yes......i am no longer listening to the kingdom melodies (i never really did anyways), and have gone to listening to the devils music.
Congratulations on the deplorable state of affairs your pathetic life has become without the WTBS. You really are pure scum. Not to worry, all appstates have terrible mental diseases.
April will be six months of inactivity for me also. I have already sacrificed my children to Satan on the altar I built in my living room.