I don't think there is anything to be gained by expressing doubts. I know how frustrating your situation is, I am in a very similar one.
I often think about taking a stand or vocalizing doubts with the next crazy WT doctrine change, or "new light", but this will just make a fade more difficult. You just want to make a clean break from the religion, tell everyone how you really feel and have your family understand, but this is not going to happen...... that's why it's called a "fade", not a implosion.
It is nice to entertain the idea of sitting down with the elders, showing them the errors in their latest "new idea", and have them say "We understand, it's a crazy WT, take a break from theocratic activities, everyone in your family will understand your position". It will never play out like this.
I expressed doubts to the elders about 1914 when I was waking up. I regret this. It just puts you on their radar. They want to "shepherd" me regularly, they constantly want to know if I have resolved my problems, phone calls, messages, even pop in visits. I also believe that the elders talk among themselves about this, then go home and talk their wives, who will tell their friends, and then the whole congregation suspects you are turning apostate.
You are better off just playing the discouraged-exhausted card. Stay under the radar. By all means talk with wife, but just take it slow.
Besides 607/1914, the thing I mentioned to my wife was some Noahs flood stuff, and how I can't agree with the whole earth being covered in water just 4500 years ago...... how did native animals get back to Australia and other islands? Did some hyper evolution occur after the flood? How did coral reefs and vegetation survive in the deep water? What about marine life, salt/freshwater? Over 9 metres of water fell per hour, every hour, for forty days!? Where did it go? And on and on you can go. Things just snowballed from there, I guess am lucky to have my wife out with me.
Take it slow, all the best. Many here share similar circumstances and feelings.