Kate seems to have gone a bit silly.
It's very subtle though, like a brick to the head.
your qualifications are way above mine so i'd love to hear more about the specifics of what you have researched and how that supports the existence of a deity.
k99, i am not really convinced that you're interested in my conclusions.
in nature amino acids formed to then form dna.
a 2 million year old hominid has been discovered that had cancer in its foot - making it the oldest neoplasia found in the human lineage.
now, as to why cancer predates original sin by nearly 2 million years, i'd love to hear christian apologists try and explain.. http://sajs.co.za/osteogenic-tumour-australopithecus-sediba-earliest-hominin-evidence-neoplastic-disease/patrick-s-randolph-quinney-scott-williams-maryna-steyn-marc-r-meyer-jacqueline-s-smilg-steven-e.
Interesting reading....
It seems the demons have deceived you with quackery and science. Why put your faith in 2 million year old cancers?
The earth is young and Jesus is real.
I always read the articles that Perry copy pastes, so I am absolutely qualified to dismiss everything anyone says.
this weeks book study lesson was on martha, the sister of lazarus.
the chapter in the "imitate their faith" book praised her for being "industrious".. the conductor at our congregation meeting was just positively gushing about how "industrious" modern-day jw women are.. he was so exciting, he could barely get the words out.
following is not an exact quote, but conveys the gist:.
so let's just say that the wt org is now finished.
families with da/df members are now reunited.
everyone is burning their med directive cards.
Any sudden collapse would give birth to splinter groups, so the crazy would never stop....... millions of ex JWs would morph into millions of yet another pseudo Jewish/Christian dooms day cult.
I will probably take the lead of one group, guide them through this wicked system and become their oracle.
it was rather quick one.
in just few months and after attending all of their meetings and giving them a nice show, i'm back to the org!!!
(what a relief-sarcastic laugh) .
In one of the recent WT Study articles, it was a comment of Jesus being King for 102 years! And I nearly say it loud: " so 1000 years of the Kingdom are down to 900 since Jesus rules from 1914. So He has less than 900 to bring mankind to perfection...."
I am afraid you don't understand the JW theology correctly. Jesus 1000 year reign does not begin until after the great tribulation has climaxed with Armageddon. It's a grand climax, remember? They have book on it, you should study up it's fascinating.
I have noticed you are not alone in this misunderstanding, it gets said often but it is not a fair representation of thier murky cesspool theology.
having left the witnesses i hope i won't get " fooled again".
yet life outside the organisation seems one big advertistiment telling me how useless i am.
these advertisements tell me i am physically ugly, which can only be corrected by buying the advertisers " answer to my prayers" product.
You should really listen to those advertisements that tell you that you're to short, fat, ugly, unhealthy, unhappy and useless. They have the best products.
That Swivel Sweep looks good, if you dress nice and maintain a forced smile on your face, it should keep the whole house sparkling and the kids well behaved.
I recently bought some soap that can make me taller.
anyone seen sister williams working her assests on the latest beyonce video?
what's the go, surely she is not a declared jw?.
she needs some serious council from jehovah, and i'm guessing bro sammy herd wouldn't mind being on that little committee.. the song is called "sorry".
Serena Williams won Wimbledon, her 22nd major title.
How did she do it? Why is she so good? - I hear you ask.
"Thank you to God Jehovah for letting me be out here, I could not have done it without Him"
Wow! Jehovah holds the keys to her success! I think she better organise another music video with a pop star real quick, because Jehovah has blessed her efforts.
i'm not sure if anyone is keeping track, but as of today, the wtbts has spent $40,000.00 usd to avoid releasing sensitive documents to the superior authorities.
that's $40,000.00 usd of "dedicated funds.
are you a born-in jw?
i think for me in the last year the death of david bowie got to me the most.
not only in the way he handled his demise so classy by even making a song about it and a you tube about dying and sharing it with fans, but just his whole persona i always thought was pretty cool.
plus i enjoyed a good many of his songs.
anyone seen sister williams working her assests on the latest beyonce video?
what's the go, surely she is not a declared jw?.
she needs some serious council from jehovah, and i'm guessing bro sammy herd wouldn't mind being on that little committee.. the song is called "sorry".
Anyone seen sister Williams working her assests on the latest Beyonce video? What's the go, surely she is not a declared JW?
She needs some serious council from Jehovah, and I'm guessing bro Sammy Herd wouldn't mind being on that little committee.
The song is called "Sorry". Sister Williams looks like she is ready for a serious courtship with a view to marriage.