I think the real gem in that shitty book is the way the elders can basically get away with doing anything, as long as time passes and it goes unnoticed.
The provision in the book allows for elders to remain serving if they admit to previous serious sins, as long as the sins are not known in the congregation and the elder has successfully been leading a double life. Get your slap on the wrist and continue lording it over others and being a hypocrite.
They could have cocaine and prostitute addictions, that is not the issue, they just need to keep the 'appearance' of a having a clean congregation. If the elder has kept his sins secret and still has the respect of the flock, he can remain.
Let's be honest, this is the the WTS, the elders could technically rape children and get away with it, because of loopholes created to protect their image. Sadly this is the reality of what goes on when men are allowed to let delusional ideas fester.
What a loving provision!