I have to agree with fade-away, the facebook recovery group is excellent!
hey guys, sorry i haven't written in so long.
most of you won't remember me but i have been more active on an ex-jw facebook page than i have been here.
my mother just tried to put me through another guilt trip (yeah those are great).
I have to agree with fade-away, the facebook recovery group is excellent!
a trusted source informs me that the "new light" about the faithful slave is to make its first printed appearance in the july 15th watchtower, which should be available for download online three weeks from now, on around april 15th.. i'm led to believe that the references to the new understanding are made in such a manner as to suggest the "new light" isn't that new at all, which suggests to me that little or no effort is being made to explain the doctrinal connotations.
my source and i are hoping to get a key paragraph posted at the earliest opportunity.
watch this space!.
Maybe July was picked for new light because that gives the average witness roughly 4 months to forget the fact that Russell is pictured on the 2013 Memorial Invitation! I guess my question would be if they are trying to discredit Russell, then why did they put his picture in the literature now?
i am very angry, pent-up rage call it!
so you will understand why and with great ease this subject is able to flow off my tongue onto the keyboard, because this time of the year is worse than your christmas time jitters!
anxiety, stress, compulsive babbling nuts are invading our service groups!
I'm not buyin it at all! I will feed that TROLL with a laugh! She is not even worthy of an acknowledgement! But then again I comment, so I am feeding it....................Aunt Connie really? You are NOTHING and NOT ELITE! You are JW trash! and live in a trailer house.......ha ha and drive a HOOPTY! A hoopty that you gotta beg for $$$$$ to ride in! OH sorry, your hubby gets to beg $$$$$ for that! you get to RIDE on his wal-mart suit tails for cash that YOU DON'T work for! HA HA HA HA HA............................
this is a youtube video of julie and ex jw, it is kinda long but interesting.
well here is a link, i just cannot get videos to work on here.. wnfj2011.
Thanks Christ Alone.
I am glad you enjoyed it arwen. It is so crazy that Julie is concidered an apostate isn't it? The Org doesn't deserve such a good person, I am glad she is out.
this is a youtube video of julie and ex jw, it is kinda long but interesting.
well here is a link, i just cannot get videos to work on here.. wnfj2011.
This is a youtube video of Julie and ex jw, it is kinda long but interesting. Well here is a link, I just cannot get videos to work on here.
the governing body took us along to an unusually high mountain, and showed us all the friends and family members that had been ripped away and they said to us.... .
all these people we will give back to you if you fall down and do an act of worship to us.
from my living room window, while i am sitting at my computer, on jw.net, a little four door car, pulled up and parked on my road.
two couples got out.
the two men, walked east to my place, but only went to the big house in front.
I have been out for almost 30 years and when the doorbell rings I get the crazy stomach vibe too and usually it is a JW! YOU of all people on JWN can surely handle that! LET EM HAVE IT LOIS! They are NOT your cryptinite! LOL
i saw this on facebook, posted (to the public) by an exjw named mathew tallman and i had to share it.
i freakin' love it!
mr. tallman, the owner of the tattoo said, "i used to draw a little gun in his hand during the meetings when i was a kid.
I am to old for a tat, but I was thinking a TTATT tat.........someone artistic needs to come up with a drawing or "TTATT" would do just fine!
Yeah Matt! that was great!
so my hubby and i are having some more family drama (details coming to you soon), but this lovely picture is what my hubby drew after the drama with the family.
i'm sorry the picture didn't turn out that well, but i think you will get the gist of it.
he called this therapy!.
Well that was funny! Thank you Gojira.............this is my first laugh of the day! Hubby is great with a pencil, MORE MORE!
okay so i think it might be the concussion making me go on this rant...not too sure.. the girl scouts started selling their cookies yesterday and for the first time in my life i will be ordering cookies.....i mean wtf is so wrong with ordering cookies from them?
i love the thin mint's and guess what?
you can only buy them from girl scouts!!!!!!.
the GB are demonizing an organization for little girls.............they kick butt in cookie sales vs wt sales! I bought 8 boxes and are going to order more! lol and next week I am signing my youngest up for Girl Scouts! I am just sayin!!!! And?......we are getting in an org for KIDS! the poor org thinks that they can get to my kid!..............LOL..................NOT!
(felt good to express........don't be mad.....LOL)