Thanks to all for the feed back.
Eden says **Therefore, how much more of the gospels and the Pauline letters, among other writings, have been corrupted, or written deceptively to suit a certain agenda? Until original manuscripts are found - if ever - we will never be entirely sure.*****
i agree, all the authors of the 4 gospels have an ideology and/bias, and use writing styles of their day called "instruments" like how Homer was written.
However, the WBTS have adopted and adapted these very same 27 books, same order, and same assumed authors (when there was not one). So they are shooting themselves in the foot don't you think ?
fastjehu says ***watched this video from Professor Bart Dr. Ehrmann on youtube***
yes, as part of a study I'm doing on Bible Canon, it was suggested to watch these videos.Very interesting. One rebuttal that comes to mind is "omission" is not necessarily "contradiction" in the synoptic gospels, however, there are some :)
Band on the run...interesting ...thank you
laika say ***And those same apostates removed Jehovah's name from the NT, but didn't change any of the other parts of the bible. Makes sense.****
So why accept the 27 Books if they are from apostates ? That's the issue ! You are told not to read apostate literature right ? they might be lying :)
Thanks all ;)