Well, keep in mind, again, that the coming week's meeting is having a presentation on using *your own* mobile device to show someone jw.org.
JoinedPosts by Apognophos
Do the elders have "clear direction" that it's ok to use an ipad at meetings?
by nochoice ini read this post more than a year ago: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/212313/1/watchtower-publications-for-ipad.
since i saw it, i've been waiting for the first brother or sister to show up at the hall with an ipad to see what happens.
a little here and there at the conventions and assemblies.
Your earliest doubt?
by Apognophos inthis might be an unfair question for those who have been out of the organization for decades, but i'm wondering if any of you remember your earliest doubt -- maybe something odd that occurred to you as a kid (if you were a jw then).
please try to limit to two doubts at the most :-).
i think my first "doubt" was simply realizing that at the time of the flood, every animal that wasn't in the ark died (well, besides the fish, supposedly).
@wha happened?: Ha, yeah, I've wondered how it must be for "worldly" people who are coming into the truth and are expected to believe that everyone outside the org. is a backbiter, on drugs, etc. Strangely, even as a born-in I should have noticed that many of my classmates were fine kids and didn't deserve to die at Armageddon, but somehow I didn't seem to believe that would actually happen, despite WT teaching the contrary. Technically that was probably my first doubt, except that I didn't know it was a doubt! No one was telling me at the time that even kids like me would die if we were outside the org. I remember making a comment once at a book study (there was some context for it that I forget) that some of my classmates were even as nice as Witnesses. That didn't go over well.
Your earliest doubt?
by Apognophos inthis might be an unfair question for those who have been out of the organization for decades, but i'm wondering if any of you remember your earliest doubt -- maybe something odd that occurred to you as a kid (if you were a jw then).
please try to limit to two doubts at the most :-).
i think my first "doubt" was simply realizing that at the time of the flood, every animal that wasn't in the ark died (well, besides the fish, supposedly).
This might be an unfair question for those who have been out of the organization for decades, but I'm wondering if any of you remember your earliest doubt -- maybe something odd that occurred to you as a kid (if you were a JW then). Please try to limit to two doubts at the most :-)
I think my first "doubt" was simply realizing that at the time of the Flood, every animal that wasn't in the Ark died (well, besides the fish, supposedly). I could tentatively accept that all people were bad except Noah's family, but why would all those animals have to die? What did they do? I tried not to think about it so I wouldn't be angry at God. Nowadays, of course, I know that if God exists at all, he certainly didn't cause any worldwide Flood. (Sorry, I know some of you may disagree with that, but let's keep to the topic.)
Was there anything about the teachings or the organization that just didn't add up for you, that tested your faith, perhaps at a young age?
I did NOT survive 12-21-2012. If you did NOT survive. Please check in here.
by FlyingHighNow inplease tell me i am not the only person who did not survive yesterday..
I didn't survive either. My experience was a bit different, though, and also bitterly ironic. About an hour after making fun of this awful painting yesterday, there was a rumbling, and then the ground suddenly opened up under me. Actually, it was a foot to the left of me. So I was perfectly okay. But I saw this large tabby cat falling in, and I couldn't stand for that as an animal lover, so I threw myself down after it, scooped up the cat in one arm, and in a move that would have made a world-class jai alai player proud, I flung it back up out of the chasm. Unfortunately, this only sped up my descent, and I was not able to grab onto any of the rocky edges inside the chasm as it widened and my fall accelerated.
Fortunately, my laptop fell in too when I jumped up, and I am currently typing on it while falling. This is a really long fall. Not sure where it's going to end up. Seems to be getting a bit warmer. Amazingly, I still have wireless down here. Thus, aside from a continual rushing noise in my ears, I am pretty much spending the day exactly as I would have anyway, browsing the Internet aimlessly.
Long Term Effect of Conti & Similar Cases?
by Chaserious ini was commenting in another thread this morning and saw speculation that the conti verdict will hasten the wts' decline, beyond just the money they may have to pay in that case itself.
i have seen this mentioned a number of times and it got me thinking and doing a bit of research.
i think the speculation and hope is that it will give rise to similar lawsuits which will meet with similar success.
I bet that, more than ever, the Governing Body is looking upward and saying, "Beam me up, Scotty!" This system can't end soon enough for them.
Do the elders have "clear direction" that it's ok to use an ipad at meetings?
by nochoice ini read this post more than a year ago: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/212313/1/watchtower-publications-for-ipad.
since i saw it, i've been waiting for the first brother or sister to show up at the hall with an ipad to see what happens.
a little here and there at the conventions and assemblies.
Bumping the thread for more people to be aware of what's posted by AnonJW on page 1. I still go to meetings, but hadn't looked ahead at what was planned for this upcoming Service Meeting. Surreal! I'll be interested to see how the audience reacts to the iPresentations.
Instead of magazine placements ....
by bats in the belfry in.... just refer the householder to pick up the current issues from the jw.org site.. .
zero to report and, i guess, your next partner in field service will be dumbfounded.
Well that was prescient, BluesBrother, but more like 6 months later rather than 3 years! (Referring to the upcoming SM presentation where the web site is used at the door.)
'No Announcements' - Big Mistake!
by The Searcher inwe are only a few short months into the "no more announcements - let them read the notice board" at the meetings, and now the effects of that new directive are beginning to reveal themselves: no information being given out regarding someone's loss of a relative, no information about someone who is ill or been admitted to hospital, and definitely no information about families moving out of the area and going to other congregations!!.
however, announcements about "special" christmas day field service must be made!!.
the import of the apostle paul's words really seem to have gone over the "decision-makers'" heads - (galatians 6:10) really, then, as long as we have time favorable for it, let us work what is good toward all, but especially toward those related to [us] in the faith.. coupled with the removal of the weekly group book study, the detrimental consequences of eliminating fellow-feeling and closer contact with one another can only lead to one eventuality - alienating one another!.
Yes, "good" (So-and-so is now an unbaptized publisher) and "bad" (So-and-so is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses) announcements are still made. So are announcements about people being in the hospital. And as sir82 wisely pointed out, they still have to read the Society's long-winded letters from the platform, which defeats the entire point of the new arrangement because that was always the one really time-consuming item.
The conspicuously missing items from the old days are the accounts report and the cleaning assignment, but I think they've started announcing cleaning assignments again from the platform (take a wild guess why). And they also announced the accounts one month recently when they had a shortfall. So, in short, the elders obviously know this new directive is one of the stupidest things to happen in a while and are ignoring it when they see good reason to announce something.
I'd love to know what utter bonehead thought of this and managed to get it printed in the KM.
On the Governing Body -- Then and Now
by sd-7 injanuary 1, 1929 watchtower:.
"no one knew more about the church than its great teacher paul.
it may be said that no man ever exercised so much authority in the church as he.
Yes, but you see, Paul wasn't one of the F&DS.
Ow. My eyes. Thanks, undercover. First you hit me with "Close to Home", drawn by the worst comic artist of all time (seriously, what is happening in that panel, because I'm pretty sure McPherson would like people to write in and tell him what he drew).
Then you paste in some artwork from the Society that is worse than anything I've ever seen in the literature. I'm talking about the "falling cat" one. Did M.C. Escher paint that? Because if not, it's horrible beyond words. I'm not even sure that's a cat, as it is considerably bigger than the guy who is apparently behind it in the painting. It would have to be a tiger to be that big. In the middle of a modern city. I'd question why animals have to die at Armageddon, but I guess God already proved in the Flood that he doesn't give a #%$@ about animals. They're just collateral damage while bad people get destroyed. God would like to just reach out and squash each bad human precisely with his thumb, but he's got fat fingers, you see.