ahhh... It reminds me of the golden plates of the mormons which disappeared... Or the Arc... Or the body of Moses... See the resemblance?
it is probably all stocked in Area 51.
from bart ehrman's blog under the heading of:.
jesus' appearances in the modern world.
of particular interest are instances in which jesus is said to have appeared to entire groups of people, rather than just to an individual.
ahhh... It reminds me of the golden plates of the mormons which disappeared... Or the Arc... Or the body of Moses... See the resemblance?
it is probably all stocked in Area 51.
yep, you heard it here folks!
i have it on good authority [ an eldubs wife ] that the pope and some old codger are talking about a united nations of religion.
there is even talk of one world religion (gasp!!
I think ISIS will be the first who will sign the contract
there are times like this moment i think of taking a train to my final destination.
i know i have some unfinished business ( got a wife and kids though jw), but i am really done with it.
i hate my life.
There are times like this moment I think of taking a train to my final destination. I know I have some unfinished business ( got a wife and kids though JW), but I am really done with it. I hate my life. Everyone,even my kids, seems to walk over me... Like i am a worthless peace of shit. I have conscidered leaving... but i can't cause my two toddlers would not understand. I want peace... A new and fair beginning but that way may proove too hard anyways.
i think so.
they rejoice over celebrating the 9/11 attacks..
IS(IS) is different from the Taliban. Even Osama Bin Laden was afraid of them which should say something. Also... There are people from other countries who are willing to fight in Syria and take all their family with them. ISIS has a shitload of money, knowledge and advanced weaponry. They are a serieus threat.
while you are sitting there reading this, there are literally hundreds of thousands of young males and females all over the world [ mostly in america / canada and england] sitting in their grotty little smelly bedrooms or flats, designing computer viruses that they will up-load onto web-sites to cause anonymous innocent peoples computers to malfunction.
these creeps spend literally weeks,months or even years hoping to make a computer viruses that will get into peoples computer bios to completely destroy their computers.
they never see the peoples anger, frustration and distress.... the damage can cost each person about 1,000 [ $1,660.74 ] or more to replace a basic new laptop or tower.
@Sparks... The truth is hard to bear. The realisation that there is "nothing" however makes it not less real. Sure you can imagine that there will be a paradise somewhe someday and a resurrection but wishfull thinking does not help at end.
you also like the word "apostate" since you have been throwing it in almost any sentence but how can a person be an apostate if the persons behind religion do not even exist? Can you proof it?
I do not conscider myself an apostate... i conscider myself a free man! i finally have the sense that I am alive! And about being depressed: i am less depressed than years ago when I was a JW sucker.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14etqn9zpwk .
jw leaks.
I personally think the authorities and doctors are crossong a line here. the minute we let any society or government decide what we should do as a parent is the moment we totally lost ourselves I guess. I hate the JW religion but i do not hate parents (who are jw) who at least try to do their best.
I have seen this item (by surprise I may add) on the news. Now i discussed this with my wife and I must say that I do not understand that there is thisbig of a hassle. First of all it is an ADVICE doctors gave. Now there are two parents who took their kid to a place they think is best for them. As a parent I do understand them and do not want other people (be it JW or Government) to dicide what treatment is best. If they have full custody then how on earth does the police see it as kidnapping?!
do not get me wrong: if there is any loophole of blaming JW I would use it to the max but this is beyond religion... It is the right of parents to choose treatment.
according to scripture god would not let his name be used without a form of respect.
disrespecting it would result in death itself!
some days ago i thought: you know what?
That piece of shit did not smite me but my kids with fire! Deucebag !!!! (Kidding of course)... Only fire I see is on the telly when some more throws gasoline on his barbeque! ;)
according to scripture god would not let his name be used without a form of respect.
disrespecting it would result in death itself!
some days ago i thought: you know what?
Is it?! I never even read it. Besides... I believe just as much in Satan as YahWeh. Could have been the book of Sauron or the Valar for all I care :D
according to scripture god would not let his name be used without a form of respect.
disrespecting it would result in death itself!
some days ago i thought: you know what?
All "gods" are creations of man: either as a "filler" of gaps or for gaining power over other people. The bible god is not much different of those from german, greek or roman myths.