No, 3-4 people give an answer, the Rest is asleep. Boring.
But the little video was cool... 607 B.c. - a fullfilment of the bible. Crazy.
i carried out my monthly "cover" visit to the k.h.
as previously discussed on this forum, the clam meeting is just a rehashed, recycled, reshuffled, & rebranded ministry school and service meeting.
No, 3-4 people give an answer, the Rest is asleep. Boring.
But the little video was cool... 607 B.c. - a fullfilment of the bible. Crazy.
has anyone seen this?
when did that happen?.
It's only suggested. But the older people in my cong also buy tablets. It's funny to see. They helpless but got a tab. Most of them buy cheap android-tablets.
There's free wifi in the cong. So most of them without Internet download it at the kingdomhall. But you can only use other domains blocked. Only MS and up can surf free.
has anyone seen this?
when did that happen?.
@Cogac: It replaces the old fs-report complete.
@ Dark knight: Theres no suggestion. Every stupid video from the bOrg counts. I think, if they show a good part and stop in between it will be o.k. There also come a video up, for inviting people to the memorial.
But the new FS-report is better for cheating. ;)
so i was thinking the other day that the wt corp has produced thousands of books over the years.
although the writers have changed the style is almost always the same.
however, some books are just worse than others.
we were thinking about going to this next week, if it's still possible.
has anyone been?
is it worth going?
Did you see a "Clam" ever? If not, just go. It will be boring, because nobody give an answer and everybody look at at the watch. It's funny how they make it. So bad. Even, you not hear song 142, but it's funny. So the rest will be also evil. The bookstudy at the end will be a thing you have to see. In my cong nobody gives an answer (exept 4 or 5 person - the I-know-it-group). I only gives an answer if it's against anything they will hear. After this meeting you will know, why you pass the next weeks/months.
I've born in, and try to stay under cover - but this trash nobody can bear. Most times I thing after this trash, why I don't drop all this trash and get a life...
a. in 2026 in what state do you think the organization will be?.
) 9million + members.
) roughly the same amount of members as today (7-9 million)..
A) 5
B) 3 - nearly none
C) 3 - nearly none
D) 3 - only every continent (shipping will be to expensive)
But it depends, what comes next. I think there a real big change will happen. If theres enough pressure to make changes about shunning, exspecially in the family (if they fight at the court, they tell it depends on every single person to shun, there will be no pressure to shun the family - so it's possible) then the people use this chance an run away.
Also more and more switch to tablet. It's easier to work with and you can read your mails or a book in the cong. So only some stuff for elder people and for getting new people to the cult will be printed.
But first they have to build there temple at warwick, and at the end of the year we maybe can't recognize this cult anymore.
i miss you.
you were supposed to be a hope in bad times.
when i was in my darkest hour you weren't there.
i just finished reading chapters 11-12 of raymond franz, crises of conscience & i must admit, i am pretty strong person, however the way ed dunlap & ray franz were treated left me crying, i had tears rolling done my eyes driving home from work on friday... & how ed was kicked out by wt, left me feel soo disgusted & outraged.... it was very obvious he needed to stay at bethel because of his age & medical conditions but i admired he didn't compromise his conscious, it's sickening to me how cold & callous these men can treat a christian after all his service.... & of course ray franz situation was no exception either, the witch hunt they did to get him out was, well, there's just isnt enough adjectives to describe their disgusting motives against him... he was 59 yrs old trying to make a honest living with his wife & for them to go after him was devious & demon like.... i'm soo grateful i came across this book & i wished i had much much sooner.... i know god will reward both ed dunlap & franz plus many many more who have been unjustly & unchristian like treated during that time & this time, sooo sickening.....i still feel very much upset & emotional over the whole thing .... i never met any of them & then yet i feel deep christian love for them......
I agree, if you can read english, you got far more input. And the older light is unknown, or the crazy trash they write. So for example, that woman maybe getting mans in the new world. Also a lot of texts sounds in other languages not so crazy. Maybe they wrote it in english, a shitstorm came up and the translation was "optimized".
The languagegroups often far away from the typical congs. More fun, but often also full we special people. If a guy in a languagegroup do a little bit more, he gets very fast MS or elder. So there a lot of people looking for the expressway to the top.
You don´t have jwfacts in other languages, but nearly every bigger language got some sites with the main informations. A lot of stuff gets translated. So "Shadow of Sin" - you can look it also in german. It's harder to get a JW to look at theses sites.
besides almost getting mugged a couple of times.
his folks had a fit and told him he had to go back and "do his time".........and do the "right thing"...........he told me he had just left max larson’s office, max had just told him “what a disappointment he was, to his family and to the organization!
“do you ever think about james olson?
Thanks for sharing. Thanks a lot. Sorry, but I can't find words, for everything you see at bethel. But I was there, when I travel to NY - it was a wtf-moment for me. Even as a visitor, I wasn't feel like a house of god, more that you near the hell.They also talk so much stupid crap to me, when the guide you thru the building.
Maybe here should be a RIP-Topic or -section. A collection (sounds bad, sorry, I don't know a better word), for every person whon killed by the watchtower. No discussions, only a place to remember people this cruel society killed with there rules.