JoinedTopics Started by AdamCzarnobay
Costume dramas at conventions
by AdamCzarnobay inare convention dramas still a thing or have these been replaced by videos of dramas recorded in the usa?.
Wythenshawe Kingdom Hall - Sold
by AdamCzarnobay ini was slightly surprised to see that wythenshawe hall has been sold.
it's now a mosque.
this one had an attached flat where the co and his wife lived, i wonder what accommodation they put them in these days..
List of conventions that congregation are assigned to
by AdamCzarnobay indoes anyone have access to the list that shows which congregations are assigned to each convention in the uk.
would really like the 2024 list if anyone has it.. thanks in advance.
New here
by AdamCzarnobay ini left the organization in 2017.. was in several congregations in the north west of england.
i just wanted to say thank you to all of you that have posted on here over the years, it really helped me to see the truth about the organization.
i lurked here for many years under an anonymous login and then finally plucked up the courage to write my disassociation letter.. adam.