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Posts by shera
I'm new here...
by sniperdoc inhello to all on this website.
a brief intro...i am 30, was df'd at 26 (on my b-day no less) should have been df'd a long time ago.
i have no complaints about being out of the organization now, however the initial shock going through the loss of friends and family took some time to get over.
Most hated WT publication
by Nosferatu inwhat is the wt publication you hated the most?
why did you hate it?
for me, it was probably that damn pink great teacher book.
All scripture is inspired of God
There were other books,think it was orange,can't remember.I had so many books and I couldn't even read them.
belief in angels & demons, the same as extraterrestrials?
by dh in.
are angels/demons/god in fact aliens?
i know that word 'alienz' will put a lot of people off, but really, are extraterrestrials the same thing as the beings in the bible, and is it just a choice in terminology of which words we are more comfortable with using, if you think they are not the same thing, why do you think this?.
what 5 f5ned rea33y 5nteterst5ng 5s that pe6p3e can eas53y accept that a35ens are de06ns b4t n6t v5ce versa.
as y64 can see by th5s p6st, the de06ns have g6ne 0ad and 0essed 4p 0y c60p4ter s6 that when 5 h5t n40bers they sh6w as 3etters, pffffff, w533 try t6 f5x th5s and re p6st!!!
Ok,I think I can figure this out...lol
What I fined really interesting is that people can easliy accept thAT ALIENS ARE DEMONS BUT NOT VICE VERSA.
(oops caps) as you can see by this post,the demons have gone bad and possed my computer so that when I hit numbers they show letter,pffffffffff,well try to fix this and re post!!!
How did I do?
Well if I thought aliens are demons,I would have to think demons are aliens,aliens are something that are not of this world,or from another place.
belief in angels & demons, the same as extraterrestrials?
by dh in.
are angels/demons/god in fact aliens?
i know that word 'alienz' will put a lot of people off, but really, are extraterrestrials the same thing as the beings in the bible, and is it just a choice in terminology of which words we are more comfortable with using, if you think they are not the same thing, why do you think this?.
OK Dh,point taken,I think...
What is a good martial art for girls to learn? Any recommendations?
by True North indoes anyone have have any experience with martial arts?
my daughter is interested in trying to learn one and i think it would be a good idea both for physical training and for self defense.
i know there are a lot of different styles to choose from and i'm not sure which would be the best for her.
If you're interested in self-defence, a specific self-defence course for women will teach you how to hurt someone real bad simply and effectively. It will focus on dealing with a male attacker and wider safety issues.
That has been something I have been thinking about,I think a good swift kick you know where is better than me punching an attacker in the face.
One thing,if I was ever attacked,I would forget sparring techniques,well perhaps some,but I would think about how to get this person away from me before I have a standoff with him.
What is a good martial art for girls to learn? Any recommendations?
by True North indoes anyone have have any experience with martial arts?
my daughter is interested in trying to learn one and i think it would be a good idea both for physical training and for self defense.
i know there are a lot of different styles to choose from and i'm not sure which would be the best for her.
Damn shera...thanks for telling me that after I join..in my class there are several guys and girls who have been going two to three times a week for 7 to 12 years with no major complaints...maybe it's that Nova Scotia Tae Kwon Do...ya know...where you drink two shots of Captain Morgan first.
Hehe,sorry..what type of style of TKD to you take? ITF or WTF?
I took WTF and I did kickboxing thre as well,WTF doesn't involve alot of punching and hand training,but is more agressive than ITF,that is one reason they took the hands out because they didn't want people being knocked out in the olympics...WTF is olympic style. There is other type of TKD,just make sure to stay on the balls of your feet while pivioting.When you are learning spinning heel kick,don't do it on your heels,You can twist your knee and tear it.
I also took kung fu for a short period of time and I found that was better on my joints.
do you ever write posts but not post them?
by dh ini find that i do it a lot, often to do with politcal threads, i read some of the stuff people write and i want to rip into it so badly, of course because i know i am right all of the time and everyone else just thinks they are, so i write a post, then i read it and don't bother to post it... i figure, why destroy everyone elses illusions that they are right?
that just wouldn't be nice.. sometimes i spend a while writing a long post, then i just hit ctrl+a followed by space bar, and back in my browser... does anyone else do this or is it just me?
i am particularly interested to hear from other people who like myself are right all of the time but would feel guilty about shattering everyone else's illusions.
Yes I do,if I don't feel that I can come arcoss tactful,then I forget about it.Sometimes,my minds goes ahead of me and I can't be bothered,I get fusturated .lol
That is usally why,my post are short and sweet,I like to keep what I feel simple and to the point.
What is a good martial art for girls to learn? Any recommendations?
by True North indoes anyone have have any experience with martial arts?
my daughter is interested in trying to learn one and i think it would be a good idea both for physical training and for self defense.
i know there are a lot of different styles to choose from and i'm not sure which would be the best for her.
I would say kung-fu or a marial arts that isn't so hard on the joints.
I took Tae kwon do for 4 yrs,even though I loved it and it taught me well.I wouldn't recommened it.I know so many black belts with no cartlidge left in the knees. My knees have had it.So if I ever join another martial arts,I'll stick to something more fluent for the joints.
What's your ethnic background?
by Joker10 in.
it seems that light skinned ex-ws speak out more against watchtower than people of a darker skin color.
what is your ethnic origin?
Irish,scottish,dutch....(mabey english)
Some of the names in my family are,Condran,Weir,Smith and Wilson
Crisis of Conscience
by shera in.
i fianlly have a copy and i'm going to stat reading it tonite.i'm excited and i need this knowledge from an insider..
I fianlly have a copy and I'm going to stat reading it tonite.I'm excited and I need this knowledge from an insider.