Hi sweety.Glad your here.Here is a big ***************hugs***************
You sound so bright,glad your here.
whew*....i finally registered, and guess what?!
it wasnt as hard as i thought it would be lol.
i've been lurking here, quietly and observing the board for about 2 years now.
Hi sweety.Glad your here.Here is a big ***************hugs***************
You sound so bright,glad your here.
its tribal with a phoenix in the middle.
the phoenix of course being the mythical bird who could heal any sort of hurt that a person felt (emotional, physical, mental).
also, when it died it would be reborn from its ashes.
I was going to ask if I could play too,but I don't think I care to have a beard.
I do have a tattoo and a peircing tho.
yesterday, i was on the phone with a friend i met while i was down in florida.
we had a nice long chat about how she doesn't feel as though she wants to be a jw anymore, and i gave her good guidence, and one of the peices of good guidence i gave her was "do not worry about your reputation, your reputation is held in low esteem by people who are in themselves in low esteem.
" she then told me about how my reputation was slammed down in florida.
I have no idea and no offense to your question,but I don't give a poo!
Hello and welcome! *hugs*
You did,it and may you be blessed with a 1000 more!
yeah, it's -34 degrees celcius, windchill is in the -50s (i guess their scale doesn't go any lower) and the boss came by to ask me to shovel snow.
various schools have been closed, apparently it's colder here than many places up north, and here i am, an electronics technician who just finished a college course which half was paid by the company, and i'm shoveling snow.
the measley 24 cent raise i got this year isn't worth it.
Good gawd!,feels like -50!!!!! Here is a warm *hugs* for you.
i've just been informed that i have the opportunity to go to madrid spain on february 15th.
i need to lose about 10 pounds in less than 3 weeks.
i have a bad knee and cannot hit the gym.
I am going to try juice, water, and soup
I am really not trying to discourage you...but when you start eating "normal" again.The weight will go back on and mabey more.
Just want you to stay healthy.
i've just been informed that i have the opportunity to go to madrid spain on february 15th.
i need to lose about 10 pounds in less than 3 weeks.
i have a bad knee and cannot hit the gym.
Walking,water,weights(light), stomache crunches.
Good luck and have fun!
Walk for 20 mins,gain some muscle to speed up your metoblism.Stomache crunches does alot to make the middle slimmer.Don't weigh yourself too much.Muscle weighs more than fat.Water helps you to burn fat and helps your muscles stop from fatigue.Just some of my pennies worth.
i thought this news item was quite funny.
last february, morgan spurlock decided to become a gastronomical guinea pig.
his mission: to eat three meals a day for 30 days at mcdonald's and document the impact on his health.
I would feel so ill.....
yep, it is actually snowing here!
they are concerned about ice later today.
brrrrrr.... .
Freezing here today,it hurts to breathe......