That's a load of hooey, as the recently published UN letter makes very clear. They had to keep renewing their membership every year - there was no way they could just "be members". They were ACTIVE members!
Posts by SYN
Response from my elders about UN
by Sumflower ini presented that document to an elder from our hall... he called and told me exactly what i expected they would say (library card deal).
so i wrote the un and got a letter back saying they were totally seperate and so forth, and fwd'd it to the same elder.
he told me at the meeting that night that he called again and got in touch with someone who knew something.
A JW just telephoned me... heh heh heh...
by Quotes init must be the end-of-the-mont-scramble to get time in.
i just got off the phone with a gentleman who, talking approx 1000 words per minute, so that i could almost not understand what he said, identified himself as "navin", and wanted to "share a scripture with me".
he clearly did not know who i am or my history, or my website hobby.
Beautiful !
You'd have to be psychotic to want to see JWs wiped out.
For JCanon: Is the Global Flood Feasible (Nice Thread From Another Site)
by SYN in.
i'm having a lot of fun reading the creationists vs. evolutionists argument about the flood here...the evolutionists are thoroughly trouncing the creationists!
Brilliant post! Notice how quiet JCanon has gotten...hehe...trounced!
A question I can not answer
by spiritwalker inwhy is it, with all the money and education in this world.
with all the talent that is brought to the forefront and variety among us.
is there no greater comedy movies then those done by "the three stooges" "laurel and hardy" "abbot and costello" and "charlie chaplin?
You obviously haven't watched Ali G interview Posh and Becks...
A thought experiment
by logansrun inhave you ever stopped to consider that the best thing we can do for ourselves as recovering cultists is simply to move on?
i know that is impossible for some, as they have deep connections with the organization due to family.
but for many the best move is simply to refuse to let the jws occupy much of our time and energy -- mental, physical and emotional.
Hmm, yeah, I used to post on here almost constantly ("witness" the post count...geesh), but nowadays I rarely post. I mainly visit this site every now and then for interesting news about the ongoing struggle against the Tower.
For JCanon: Is the Global Flood Feasible (Nice Thread From Another Site)
by SYN in.
i'm having a lot of fun reading the creationists vs. evolutionists argument about the flood here...the evolutionists are thoroughly trouncing the creationists!
Well, I'm sorry, JCanon, but that stuff absolutely doesn't work for me!
Sorry, but you are creating a straw man here. I told you that we don't know EXACTLY the details and thus it is impossible to dismiss this. That is, that much water if lifted above the earth in an ever-thinning bubble would determine whether it was cold or not. It depends on how thin it is. I said the weather was like a GLASSHOUSE effect. Plus we know that igloos are made out of ice and they have heat inside. I just don't know the specifics.
I could go and say, "Back when we were still living in caves in France, there was actually a bubble of ice around the Earth, despite things like the Moon's gravity, the strength of ice (way too low to form a "bubble" in any form without instantly being shattered by the gravity of the Moon...maybe God held it in place the whole time?), and the fact that there is absolutely no evidence for it, anywhere. But, y'know, I'm pretty sure that works for me.
Unfortunately, Mr JCanon, there is no way that could've happened without "Godly" (i.e. divine) intervention, of the sort we pretty much NEVER EVER see today. Weird, innit? The physics is just impossible. Any kid doing high-school level physics would have a good laugh if you explained your ice canopy concept to him/her, and would give you 20 reasons why it would just never work. God would've had to sit there the whole time, carefully holding the canopy in place with his infinite (bah) divine powers, for however long it took, then carefully stripping the kinetic energy from each shard of ice as it fell towards the Earth so Noah's ark didn't turn into a huge wooden take-out see, the absurdities just keep getting greater and greater! Can't you just face the fact that the legend of Noah is just a story, a fable, told with a specific moral? Most reasonable people would realize that, after looking at the evidence (or lack thereof) for a global Flood.
And, since you don't know the specifics, your argument is invalid. I do know the specifics. Come back when you do. And BTW, I wasn't creating a straw-man. I was presenting a valid argument, that you failed to deflect using accepted methods like the laws of physics, gravity, and relativity, things which have been repeated over and over by countless scientists.
But since you mentioned it, I agree. Perhaps the atmostphere was much greater around the earth at that time. If you think of a bubble of water, that's a quality of water that allows it to be even, cohesive and continuous if the properties are right. So maybe God caused the precise requirements to create a canopy with the precise dynamics/ratios that are necessary for water to bubble. Since we can see through a bubble then why wouldn't it be clear.
Absolutely impossible. The air would simply not have supported the ice. I mean, it doesn't get more ridiculous than this. Which planets do you see with shells of ice around their atmospheres? None, and for the very good reason that ice is incredibly heavy. And water has very different properties from ice, my friend. Ice doesn't form bubbles. And the atmosphere couldn't have been much greater without dramatically altering the physiology of every animal in the frikking world! (Air pressure, etc) And the reason you can see through a bubble is because it's walls are micrometers thick, unlike a canopy of ice miles thick around the globe. This whole ice canopy thing is by far the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of!
Furthermore, everybody knows that when you evaporate water from the sea it is desalinated. Where do you think FRESH WATER comes from? The ocean!
OK, I'll concede this point to you, since it is indeed correct (what a relief). So, since we had these incredibly higher oceans (no record of those in the Antarctic ice cores, Greenland, other cold places where it snows with depressing regularity) and since we do have evidence that links up around the world, such as meteorite impacts etc, that allow us to cross-reference the dating of chemicals in the ice cores, allowing us to see just how far back they go (millions of years, without any Flooding record), where did all the water go? Did Jehover make it shoot off into space? Where is it now? How did he do it? Well, I guess God can do anything he bloody well pleases, except stopping the starvation of millions of kids a year in Africa. But that's cause God has something to prove, I guess. Tough on the kids, but that's God's plan, so shut up and enjoy it while it lasts! We have (literally) rock-solid proof that there has never been a worldwide Flood. Local floods, definitely, there've been lots of those, but not a Global one at all. The numbers simply don't work out!
And, I notice that you've neglected to answer my numbered points. Are you afraid of what they might reveal? This leads me into my second rebuttal of that sentence - once all the salt had been drained from the evaporating water, how did the fish in the oceans feel, suddenly having twice as much salt in their water? Ouch? Even small changes in water salinity can severely affect fish populations.
Now here is one way I think God could have done it. He could have created sufficient extra-atmosphere to first establish a bubble-consistency canopy high above the earth then when he caused the outer atmosphere to dissipate it froze the bubble. Who knows. Then he undid that at the time of the flood.
Impossible. Air doesn't support ice. Even a child could tell you that. Really!
And as far as energy, YES, you're right, God could cause great winds to do whatever he wanted including with that extra atomosphere funnelling the water or even clouds high above the earth which were then removed into outer space as God reduced the upper extra-atmosphere, no longer necessary under the new conditions?
So all this water went up into space, in vast funnels, not leaving a trace on the whole planet...suspicious, isn't it? And you'd think that all this (you know, funnels of water rising into orbit) would have sort of been noticed by Noah.
Come on, dude, answer my numbered points already! Or are you a 'fraidy cat? What's stopping you? Would they make you feel uncomfortable?
You could write about the UN/Watchtower thing. will be great for that. This way, you give your teacher a nice, juicy scandal, and you spend the words in the essay leading up to it with all sorts of damning evidence. Have fun! There's so much to write about when it comes to the follies of the Watchtower...
For JCanon: Is the Global Flood Feasible (Nice Thread From Another Site)
by SYN in.
i'm having a lot of fun reading the creationists vs. evolutionists argument about the flood here...the evolutionists are thoroughly trouncing the creationists!
What you're forgetting here is energy, sheer kinetic energy.
Even if all that water could somehow "form clouds" after "evaporating", thus saturating the atmosphere with so much water that it would closely resemble the weather of Venus, it wouldn't just coalasce in outer space - you'd need ENERGY to do it. Where did the energy come from? I repeat, water is heavy. Lots of energy would be needed. Piles of it. But of course, Jehover has as much energy as he wants!
Now, once all this water got into orbit and froze, somehow, let's say there was a hollow sphere of it surrounding Earth.
For starters, frozen water isn't translucent, esp. not if it was originally in the oceans. Are the polar ice caps translucent? Nope. And they'd be a hell of a lot thinner than what you're envisaging here. So you'd have this big chunk of ice between us and the sun. Result: Instance deep-frozen Earth. I hope Noah had some seriously thick jerseys.
So now, after being alternately flash-boiled and flash-frozen, all the animals somehow got grabbed by Noah (even the hummingbirds, after a great trek halfway around the world across the Atlantic Ocean, birds that need to eat constantly due to their ultra-fast metabolisms, and only feed on certain very specific plant species). Then, Noah put them in an Ark, made of wood, the structural integrity of which was such that it would have collapsed long before being built, even if it was made of the strongest woods in the world, due to it's sheer monstrous size and weight.
Now this big ice sphere doesn't exist in a vacuum (Hur, hur. ) There are other large objects, such as the Moon and the Sun, all tugging on it. Ice is well-known to be an incredibly strong substance (Hur, hur) that could easily withstand the immense gravitational "tug" of the Moon and Sun, no worries, and not even crack or split. Now, once this ice started to come down again during the Flood, the kinetic energy of it's fall would rapidly heat the atmosphere up to Venus-like temperatures again.
Dude, when did you start writing science fiction? This should be filed under "terraforming", not "religion".
For JCanon: Is the Global Flood Feasible (Nice Thread From Another Site)
by SYN in.
i'm having a lot of fun reading the creationists vs. evolutionists argument about the flood here...the evolutionists are thoroughly trouncing the creationists!
Answer my numbered points first, then I'll gladly answer your question!