Response from my elders about UN

by Sumflower 34 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Sumflower

    I presented that document to an elder from our hall... he called and told me exactly what I expected they would say (Library Card deal)

    So I wrote the UN and got a letter back saying they were totally seperate and so forth, and FWD'd it to the same elder.

    He told me at the meeting that night that he called again and got in touch with someone who knew something. He said that in 1991 they were asked to fill out a form for library access, that it wasn't stating that they were joining or anything. So they signed it. Then in 2001 somebody new took over the department at the UN and "decided" that everyone on that "list" were "now NGO's" And that as soon as the brothers recieved notification they disassociated themselves.

    I didn't really know what to say... I wasn't expecting that response. He went on to explain that as Jehovah's people it is our responsibility to comply with governmental agencies... and "being an 8th king" that is exactly what they are. I managed to mumble that "it seems like the brothers in malawi were dying for much less" and he didn't have much of a response.

    Anyway, for what it is worth... what they are saying to people to question the library card excuse.


  • Odrade

    sounds like he was just making up his own little story. It wouldn't surprise me though, if that's how most of the JWs deal with this information.

  • myself

    It took 10 years to realize what they signed up for? LOL In reality it took 10 years to realize how busted they were and that they would have to resign from what they were calling evil.

    I liked your response regarding the brothers from Malawi sacrificing their lives for less. Especially when the ones in Mexico were allowed to do compromise during this same time.

  • Sumflower

    I forgot to add that I told him that it was explained to me that the WTS had to submit financial reports and pro-UN articles, so I wasn't sure how they could "not know" and he kind of shrugged and said "well, that is what is going on... so there you have it" and ended the conversation.

  • kls

    He along with all knowing jws ,that know of the Watchtower joining the UN will lie no matter what. If the UN is satan himself why would they even ask for a library card or even have any inquire,s with the UN. All the wrightings the Watchtower has done on the evil of the UN, they would not even ask for a piece of toilet paper to wipe their growing nose of lies.

  • Ailla

    They pulled out when they found out they were an NGO? Liars! They signed up three of their legal entities and had committees showing up at meetings at the UN.

  • searcher

    Everyone, including active JW's know that the WT lawyers dot every i and cross every T, so no way would they have not known.

  • SYN

    That's a load of hooey, as the recently published UN letter makes very clear. They had to keep renewing their membership every year - there was no way they could just "be members". They were ACTIVE members!

  • avengers
    Everyone, including active JW's know that the WT lawyers dot every i and cross every T, so no way would they have not known.

    Exactly!! So let me get this straight: It took the GB 9 years to realize they were doing wrong? I don't see anywhere were they have made a statement
    of that sort. They said that the UN changed their statutes and then they pulled out.
    It took an "apostate" to make them aware. How can this be? The GB is made out of men "full of Jehovah's Holy Spirit". But it took an "apostate" to show them their so called "mistakes"? Think about this one for a while and you will go whacky. Remember the Regi Files? Where they owned shares related to the Military? They didn't even know they had these shares. After 14 years they returned these shares to the two brothers who donated them. So now these 2 brothers own shares in the Military. I thought you could get DF ed for something like that. It took nine years to realize the UN thing and fourteen years to realize the Regi thing. How gullible do you have to be to buy this crap? This poor elder is being misled and deceived. Poor sucker.
    He's gonna have a nervous breakdown feeding his brain this kind of double standards. Anyway. This last Sunday they came to invite me to their annual wine and cracker party. The good thing was, I wasn't home. (chuckle, chuckle). I was in Amsterdam,where I met Beckyboop and her friends. We had a great day. I never realized there were such good persons outside this godforsaken Borganization. Have a good day. Andy

  • LittleToe

    I suspect some of what he said was the patter they were indoctrinated with by the CO's.
    Bear in mind that Elders are just as likely to grasp an easy solution to the cognitive dissonance, as anyone else.

    That doesn't evade the fact that he was just plain wrong, though!
    As searcher mentioned, that would be inconsistent with their policy of nitpicking.

    Good answer, on the Malawi thing.
    You will undoubtably be marked out for observation, regarding your future comments, though. I would suggest you stick to that one topic, rather than spiralling off on some of the other major booboos of the WTS.
    Otherwise your days will be numbered rather shorter than they already are.

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