Jesus essentially called Paul a liar @ John 5:31 "If I alone bear witness about myself, my witness is not true" since there is no witness given for Paul's claims except Paul himself. There is a reference to some Paul (suppose it could be the same one? Maybe? or not..? No one bears witness to that fact)
And given that Paul teaches some contrary things to Jesus words, I would have to say that Paul is grade-A apostate. Not like folks here, like actually trying to get followers after himself, away from Jesus. Unless the whole Book is made up as a way to control the masses - in which case none of the above matters.
As a side note, how many books in the Bible? Compare to the WT explanation of 666 - I guess the Bible is only corrupt/wicked to an incomplete degree? or maybe there's 11 more books to come, in which case - "Yay"