Pimo here, so not DFd but definitely post-JW in mind and heart.
While walking up, I thought that JW was just another satanic false religion but that the bible was still what I was taught.
Then I woke up more, to the inconsistencies in the bible, though I think there are some good points there, but nothing you couldn't think of yourself if you just tried for 5 minutes to figure out how nor to be a jerk to people.
Now, I would say that a non-materialist maya / simulation / matrix based reality is most likely, based on my own experience and experiments. Hopefully soon Tom Campbells' experiments will show this on a deeper and more objective level.
While this view doesn't specifically exclude or include a deity as creator of our reality as we experience it here, I don't find deities to be necessary or functional.
I theorize that if the simulation idea is correct, certain groups of people have known for a very long time and are in fact tasked with keeping the masses so distracted (religion, endless media, violence, wars, just making a living etc) that they barely have time to focus on personal growth and on truth seeking. Why? Because when a billion (or 7) people wake up in a way similar to Jim Carey, the whole thing gets dangerous for everyone (I love Jim but I think his loss of a sense of purpose has left him feeling lost, now multiply that by a few billion)
The ones tasked with keeping everyone in line and distracted would be handsomely rewarded of course, living the good life.. money, power etc.. otherwise what would be the personal impetus to cooperate.
The ones in the know would be few and at the top, even if their minions may also be monied and powerful, they need not know but if the core purpose is ever forgotten (not passed down from generation to generation) then we should likely see the top powers fade away, getting less oppressive and more inclusive over time.
You are free to dismiss this as musings of a red pill-er though.