Haha Good idea!
Srsly tho, if Adam Lanza can shoot up sandy-hook with a "long weapon" that never left his cars' trunk, I don't think there is any hope of stopping this stuff.
Haha Good idea!
Srsly tho, if Adam Lanza can shoot up sandy-hook with a "long weapon" that never left his cars' trunk, I don't think there is any hope of stopping this stuff.
one of the most vexing matters confronting us as christians has to do with the apparent lack of honesty of so-called "christian" teachers on the many issues they frequently talk about.
this should not be shocking to us since scripture tells us that "everyone has sinned.
" (rom.
Which apostles? Paul was quite the wolf in sheeps' clothing with all of his musings that run counter to Jesus words in the gospels.
Besides that, the bible says not to put your trust in men but that is exactly what he's to be done if you are to assume the accuracy of the words of the church fathers (or more accurately, the accuracy of the words proclaiming the words of the church fathers, unless you knew those guys personally)
Then again, the church fathers apparently debate very much about whether Revelation should be considered for biblical inclusion. This fact alone draws into question the identity of the author of at least one book which allegedly contains the words penned by... an apostle.
It seems the bible was right, do not put your trust in humans.. But hey even if revelation is uncertain and Paul was a theological distraction, certainly we can trust the gospels, right?
If only we could figure out how many angels were at that tomb and if he/they were on the right or left side (or outside)... and if the girls went and told everyone what they saw or whether they were to afraid to... I just can't seem to get those straight for some reason. Maybe the church fathers could shed some light.
the public is getting very upset at the abuse of children.
how would the society survive if hit with this kind of award for the conduct of pedophile members when evidence shows they were trying to silence the victim by threats to protect the watchtower's reputation.
Throw the filthy rotten slaves into the bottomless pit! Let them see what is like to be an average JW!
i know that many of us here enjoy listening to podcasts.. here is a relatively new one i just discovered: .
"the bible says what!?
" by michael wiseman.. (find it on your podcast player of choice).
Thanks for sharing, sound interesting..
As side note, I'm starting one called "What?! the Bible really teaches..?!"
Just kidding but it would be a fitting play on the JW pub, showing the true truth (wait what? yeah sad when you have to explain it that way)
i read a few threads on apostafests but i don't really understand what they are or what happens.
are they family friendly?
is it a party or support group meet-up?.
Never been but I always envisioned it would be something like a beach party of apostates..
Maybe someone else can chime in?
jws are taught to think in a childish, simplistic and paranoid way.. the ticket to paradise includes a gory bloodfest of unimaginable proportions.
and jws calmly and unquestioningly trust and even look forward to this happening.. what about the morality of this unprecedented solution to mankind’s problems?
(there is evidence in the earth’s crust that noah’s flood never happened so it doesn’t count as a precedent).. sweep all of your problems under the biblical carpet and you know that god will sort it all out by the ultimate act of near total genocide—or not!
Good point amidst.
I, for one, am rather upset that mermaids were spared while our human brethren were treated like fodder!
jws are taught to think in a childish, simplistic and paranoid way.. the ticket to paradise includes a gory bloodfest of unimaginable proportions.
and jws calmly and unquestioningly trust and even look forward to this happening.. what about the morality of this unprecedented solution to mankind’s problems?
(there is evidence in the earth’s crust that noah’s flood never happened so it doesn’t count as a precedent).. sweep all of your problems under the biblical carpet and you know that god will sort it all out by the ultimate act of near total genocide—or not!
God is love - the most loving thing he could have done for his creation was to keep them from being able to bring such misery and pain and death to all of his (mans) billions of descendants. Maybe that would mean creation without free will. But if free will causes god to slaughter billions for 1) nor believing when there is insufficient evidence and 2) not choosing correctly despite being imperfect - then I would have to say god is not love.
I believe WT has said that babies and others who are too young (whatever that means) are protected via the standing of their righteous parents. Sorta implies death to the infidels' babies at the big A, in my opinion.
Side note, anyone notice that in WTs illustrations of the "new system" where they are building things they are also wearing hard hats? I would imagine that perfect people wouldn't have accidents but who knows.
it’s been very difficult, much more than i first anticipated to live a lie, (be pimo and a regular active member) i still live with my parents but i plan on moving out at the end of the year, so i really need to keep it together.
but i think people are starting to get suspicious that something is up.
i’ve stopped commenting, going on service all the time, talking at the door, and occasionally voicing something, such as a question that no one has a good answer for, that makes people think, but ahah, thinking is dangerous and wrong so that is suspicious of course.
I feel your pain, I'm in a similar situation though I'm a bit older and my family concerns are similar but different.
Its definitely a soul-wringing experience to live pimo.
I mostly ignore the meeting contents, when I do go. Though its easy to get your feathers ruffled by the theological nonsense and obvious lies.
Sometimes I wonder if I should just D/A or just stop being careful about stuff that will get me D/F just to put an end to it. Not looking forward to the myriads of problems that would suddenly come my way though... And the way of others very close to me. Ugh
You're not alone bro.
i know a lot of people might not want anything to do with any religion and i can sympathize, the bible an ancient collection of books compiled by the catholic church authorities and the some what restricted version by protestant movement we have the less voluminous of collected "holy" books call the king james.
which i think we have a lot to learn from them if we look at them from a more psychological point of view and not force them to be literally understood.. i think it is the same with these sutras, what is it telling us about the mind?
what can we expect from certain meditative practices.
I wish I had the time to pursue exactly this... I'm pretty sure my lack of sleep would have me sleeping in the first 3 minutes of trying to meditate though...
I would love to explore what else is out there.. Or is that... in there..
A consciousness researcher/physicist named Tom Campbell has an interesting story about doing transcendental meditation in college which wound up with him having visions of his computer code (punch cards in those days) where the lines with bugs in them would be highlighted. He would go back to the cards and sure enough, the visions were accurate. He explains it better but he's got a number of interesting observations from beyond the physical that we are used to.. You can find him on you tube but may be embedded in his other simulation theory related stuff
2018-05-18-s-331-e-boeinstructions for circuit accounting6-pageshttps://we.tl/lm1hgyqxe3atlantis!.
Almost, average Joe..
There is a "target balance" to be maintained to cover expenses that are incurred in between assemblies. ("might include the costs associated with a circuit overseer’s residence, the anticipated travel cost of the branch representative, or the rental of a facility in connection with the next assembly")
"Expenses that will be incurred during the next assembly, such as a per-publisher contribution that is made for the use of an Assembly Hall, should not be included in the target balance"
Any excess funds are to be donated to the world wide work.
So you can see that the assembly should be starting with an account balance of 0 but also with a deficit in the amount of per-publisher contribution.
Funny thing about all of that is that yes, you can make an interest free loan to HQ if there are excess funds, but all excess funds over the target balance at the end of the assembly are to be donated to the WWW, so there should never be any money to loan in the first place. Maybe they would loan the "target balance" in between assemblies, it's all online and should be easy to give/get but the instructions are not specific as to how they would have extra money (they already have excess funds to www)
Good to see straight from the whoreses mouth that they are still doing the per-publisher charge. If only the pubs knew...