Welcome Dval,
Most of us here have been where you are now so we can definitely relate.
The organization has been changing alot the least few years, if you have not attended regularly even for the past 2-5 years, you will not recognize the org.
That said, this is considered by the governing body and elders to be an apostate site but that doesn't mean we're mentally diseased or satan incarnate. However, most of us have not been able to reconcile the things you mentioned.
The only thing I can really say about your other questions is to recommend that you read the 4 gospel accounts. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John. Pay very close attention to what Jesus says and to the resurrection/tomb accounts. If you can make it a point to do all four books in a week's time or maybe 2 weeks (take notes though) you will likely learn more about Jehovahs Witnesses and about God than you can imagine.
I hope your journey serves you well.