What if the crucifixion never took place..
Well then the JWs were right on something at least, that Jesus wasn't executed on a cross after all.
i googled it and pretty much my understanding is the same as what i imagine.
no one really knows, your guess is as good as the next.
interesting thought to consider imo..
What if the crucifixion never took place..
Well then the JWs were right on something at least, that Jesus wasn't executed on a cross after all.
many people of all denominations are beginning to believe that hell does not exist - but the bible supports the claim that it does.
examine this verse, one under nkjv and the other nwt:.
nkjv - matthew 25:46, "and these will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.".
If god really wanted all to attain to repentance and to not destroy any, why didn't he do the following:
Preserve all scriptures in original form
Make all scriptures consistent w/ each other
Give each generation of mankind the same level of awesome proof of his existence and interest in human affairs
(Israelites witnessing the parting of the sea would have had a better chance at believing in god than people today who have witnessed nothing but a sh!t-ton of abusive religionists and inconsistent "holy writings")
i can't believe this is taking place in our country!
all across america there are areas where people are trying to enforce christian law!
outsiders are strictly forbidden from entering and they have private security and guards to keep people out.
So I'm banned from some obscure place that I wouldn't want to go to anyways? Not sure I see the problem there. A bit like getting banned from mosques or synagogues I'd say.
I think my main concern there would be for the poor saps who have been duped into being there.
i was just thinking at how quickly the process was from pimi - pimo - pomo.
i must of spent about 10 years trudging along in the organization very unhappily.
but from the initial stages of learning ttatt to physically walking out the door the process took about 18 months.
A couple of years pimo for me so far, for familial reasons. If not for that, I would have went from pimi to pomo in 5 seconds flat.
I'm not sure I will make it to this next memorial though. Its starting to seem pointless.
on another post on this site it tells you that the watchtower is selling the bethel in greece ??
Well, combine the factors mentioned above with what appears to be a stealth culling of those who have the least to lose while simultaneously being the easiest to be woken up, and I think you have the makings for a leaner and meaner cult with only the most devout members who will no doubt provide plenty of funding for the retirement of the Seven Kings on Kings Dr.
*I say culling but it's more like they are intentionally trying to wake up people who are able to be woken up so that they can leave while leaving only the most loyal (or truely stuck) left. Have you seen their weird vids and bold faced lies? I wouldn't be surprised if they set up apostate sites just to help weed out the less loyal folk.
what do you sincerely think?
do you nurture any hope?.
You are asking what we think and about hope. Both of these are about beliefs and not based on real evidence. There are tons of Belief Systems (B.S.) out there to choose from but they are all based on assumptions (I.e. the Bible is inerrentand God's word)
Some of these things are provably wrong, for example we can prove whether or not the bible is inerrent by simply reading it. That doesn't mean that there's no god or that your faith in him or in JC won't save you but that would all be blind faith since there's no evidence to suggest its true.
Each of us have our own experience, if I told you that I saw Jesus in a potato chip and he healed my broken leg, would it convince you? Likely you be convinced that I'm lying or crazy, and rightly so.
In my opinion, you have to experience the truth for yourself, otherwise its simply more B.S. And you adopt someone else's ideas. I like Thomas Campbell's "my big toe", his big Theory Of Everything which he has outlined in detail in his YouTube videos as well as his book. A quick search for the name on YouTube gets to his channel. I won't outline it here but it's backed by way more science (even physics) than religions around the world and even explains many of their teachings without the dogma usually attached. I like it, it's seems to fit with my own observations thus far but I don't BELEVE it all, until I can experience some of the deeper consequences of the theory, I would consider it simply the best theory there is. If I can replicate his findings, I can prove it to myself, at which point there is no longer believing any of it, it is simply KNOWING.
According to the TOE, which is more suited to answer this question of yours than the other stuff out there (imho), the answer is yes there is life after death but life as well as death are not what we have believed it to be. A bit similar to the ideas of reincarnation but much more open-ended. Much of it is provable with science but some of it is really only provable on the individual level, no one can prove it for you.
Ready Player 6,798,479,398
my pimi (physically in, mentally in) friend believes she was marked without them telling her.
i believe her, and she has been making work for the elders.
she is a pain in their arse, and they are a pain in hers, which is great.
Kinda silly if you ask me. What if the marked person happens to miss the meeting that night? They may never know what happened. I think think might have found an answer in this for my own experiences. Thanks!
a little advice please.. it's now 7 months since i stopped going to meetings.
we still get regular calls by elders - at least every 2 weeks.
i can handle them.
today we hear a lot about red lines in political commentaries these days.
but for those of us who are pimos, what be your red line?
what would be the doctrinal change or event that would tip you over the edge into leaving for good, regardless of the repercussions?
Phizzy, lotsa progress made but unfortunately there's a giant wall (not mine) getting in the way of further progress. People see what they want to when they can't bear to see the truth (tatt) in it's entirety or to act in accord with it. I am not in a position to fade on my own - I wont go into details here but suffice it to say that if I try to fade, I will be forced out, probably within a few weeks/months and have to deal with bad blood in my own house for a long time after that. seems a moot point to resist the inevitable but my household is worth the hassle that has been & will be and so I hold on to the ultimate in human weakness - hope.
WTWizard: are they using forms these days? maybe I missed that meeting (actually I never missed a meeting in my life - hah!) I've only seen (that I remember) blank pieces of paper that get a number on it and put into the time sheet box.
is there really a pledge form now?
Also, one creative way of dealing with that is not putting a number but a few words. "Whatever Jehovah Allows Me To Give" or perhaps you could say something like "$300, Jah willing"
of course we know that "Jah" would never want anyone to support this wicked institution so you're safe there.
this is my first post on here so i apologize that it is like an essay!.
my husband and i are currently 'fading out' of the truth.
we stopped preaching in may 2016 and limited meeting attendance in january 2017 and stopped completely in june 2017. my main reason for this was my whole life i have been doing things to please others, even getting baptized to please my mum.
While I agree with your line of reasoning generally, you forgot the most important aspects of this "voluntary" agreement: It was made fraudulently and under duress.
Ill explain:
Fraudulently because we were manipulated into believing that this was big J's organization, that "He" was leading these people, holidays are evil etc etc when the reality is that we were simply misled.
Duress because we were convinced (by them) that we would die in the big A if we didn't do it, much like holding a gun to someone's head.
Both of these factors make the agreement unenforceable, null and void.