I know many want to hate and think the GB are villains but that simply isn't an accurate characterization in my opinion.
Are they aware that their decisions are at times dangerous, may even cause loss of life yes I believe their consciences get tested. I wouldn't argue that.
However what I think it comes down to is what Ray Franz said. They are victims of victims. The "ideal" of the organization is like an organism. It just keeps growing. It has become so big that even the GB have been blinded by the idea of it all that they buy into waiting on Jah and don't bring reproach and I really am being directed by God.
They mistake things that happen in life as proof of this direction ironically in the same manner they say others mistake themselves as anointed.
I honestly believe this. Could their be some that are just evil or out to live a cush life on a pedestal? Sure but I doubt it.
They've literally sold themselves on the idea of what the organization is so much so that the reality has little chance of permeating.