Well said @Simon
Perfect @freemindfade
My experience here has been nothing but supportive and positive. I've gone in spurts and am trying to find my stride in life.
In particular I'm not the needy type. Like not at all. Self made type that just plugs along but I've needed help. Really for the first time. Left home at very very early age never looked back. First home just couple into my 20's the whole nine.
The point is even as confident as I generally am I'm not embarrassed to say I'd been screwed without help of a handful of genuine folks I've met.
Yes some are very angry but can you blame them. Usually they were dealt with abusively. In my case it was on my own terms. I've noticed that it can really depend on how you've come out.
Regardless at least in my mind the worst thing you can do is go around making PSA's like this. If you're not interested and find no value....move along.