JoinedPosts by Hadriel
not sure why this thread isn't viral already...bump. -
There are distinct differences between the Socialism described in the OP and socialistic services employed by countries such as Canada.
To me these are distinctly different animals.
Of course you can abolish taxes altogether and just have every man for himself, see how that works out for you.
With all things its about balance IMO. Any extreme ends badly.
2016-4-4-BOE!--Scanning and Sending Medical Records through Emails!
by Atlantis ini was always under the impression that only "licensed" persons had the authority to do this.. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
2016-4-4-boe scanning and sending medical records through emails!.
.. this is the last paragraph of the main body of the boe without the top and bottom, which revealed the congregation and information which could expose our source.. .. "therefore, brothers, i appeal to you to make sure that a copy of the new add for every publisher is kept in alphabetical order, perhaps using an a-z filing system to expedite it's location and so that it can be kept neat, clean and legible for scanning and emailing for up to 4 years, after which a new copy should be completed.
Could it be that this letter didn't originate with the Branch but perhaps some other source and it was directed at a specific body or group of bodies.
I agree with the fellas here does't follow the typical flow of a BOE.
That said c'mon @Atlantis don't get upset over it. Just want to make sure it's legit is all. Has little if anything to do with you personally.
I hope Armageddon doesn't come before we find out who Negan killed
by Zoos inthat's all i have to say.
It's Daryl, folks. -
The "apostacy stigmatisation" of doing research!
by stuckinarut2 ina thought occurred that the way the society has stigmatised the doing of external research by witnesses, and labelling any such questioning as "apostate", is tragic.. no doubt, in every other aspect of life, we research things before making decisions.
eg, if making a purchase, we go online and check reviews etc to check the product out.
we don't just trust the words of the marketing department.
@stuck no witness in their right minds would refrain from fact checking in pretty much anything else in their lives. That sort of says it all really. -
2016-4-4-BOE!--Scanning and Sending Medical Records through Emails!
by Atlantis ini was always under the impression that only "licensed" persons had the authority to do this.. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
2016-4-4-boe scanning and sending medical records through emails!.
.. this is the last paragraph of the main body of the boe without the top and bottom, which revealed the congregation and information which could expose our source.. .. "therefore, brothers, i appeal to you to make sure that a copy of the new add for every publisher is kept in alphabetical order, perhaps using an a-z filing system to expedite it's location and so that it can be kept neat, clean and legible for scanning and emailing for up to 4 years, after which a new copy should be completed.
BTW what they are doing sending this info electronically ( I can't speak to the consent part I'll leave that up to lawyer Jeff) is a very serious no no.
What I mean is that once the consent is done there's much more to go. In order to send the document via any electronic form you must ensure that it is done in an encrypted manner.
I know this for an absolute certainty. The below is usually what's needed.
2016-4-4-BOE!--Scanning and Sending Medical Records through Emails!
by Atlantis ini was always under the impression that only "licensed" persons had the authority to do this.. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
2016-4-4-boe scanning and sending medical records through emails!.
.. this is the last paragraph of the main body of the boe without the top and bottom, which revealed the congregation and information which could expose our source.. .. "therefore, brothers, i appeal to you to make sure that a copy of the new add for every publisher is kept in alphabetical order, perhaps using an a-z filing system to expedite it's location and so that it can be kept neat, clean and legible for scanning and emailing for up to 4 years, after which a new copy should be completed.
@Atlantis and @wifi are pretty much rockstars in my book. -
The Finished Mystery: 1917 Print
by Hadriel inanyone have a copy of this book?
i'll pay hard cash :).. i don't know if this is appropriate to post so if not feel free to can the post.. pm if you have a copy and would part with it..
@drop I don't want it for reading. I want it for evidence. -
The Finished Mystery: 1917 Print
by Hadriel inanyone have a copy of this book?
i'll pay hard cash :).. i don't know if this is appropriate to post so if not feel free to can the post.. pm if you have a copy and would part with it..
Right @Anders I've noticed that as well I want the real deal. I'd prolly pay 3 bills or so for it. I could go Ebay but I'd rather find a private party here or something. Where maybe someone could use the cash? Scratch each other's back type deal.
The Finished Mystery: 1917 Print
by Hadriel inanyone have a copy of this book?
i'll pay hard cash :).. i don't know if this is appropriate to post so if not feel free to can the post.. pm if you have a copy and would part with it..
Anyone have a copy of this book? I'll pay hard cash :).
I don't know if this is appropriate to post so if not feel free to can the post.
PM if you have a copy and would part with it.