Dear Mr. Trey Bundy,
Thank you for dedicating your time and column inches towards the fight for freedom from the Jehovah's Witnesses' cult.
For many of us we have carried the burden of harrowing sorrow in our hearts for many years. We have fought through brain-washing induced mental illnesses just to stay sane enough that we might see our loved ones back in our arms and an end to the torment.
This cult has destroyed lives, literally. It has enslaved minds thus strangled the throat of freedom of choice, progression and expression. It has shown no mercy when tearing babes from arms causing suicides, murders and mental illness. It has cloaked within it's arms the crimes of paedophiles and offered them refuge all the while offering victims up as an example of sin. It has invaded our human rights to having the right of a family life, undermining the very laws of our lands, undermining the expertise of surgeons, scientists, Lawyers, experts in child protection and their agencies, law-enforcement, teachers and many more. It has covered the truth which is a sin backed-up by law. They have shown no mercy to the meek and mild and weak and poor and yet they remain not just unapologetic of all these things and unchanging but proud and piously revel in the success of doing so.
Every child and mother has the right to look into each other's eyes and see the crystal clear clarity of unspoken and unconditional love reciprocated and yet it's in this very sacred space that Watchtower chooses to anchor it's veil.
8 million members are the badge of honour for Watchtower but we know they are just more victims and the families and friend circle's of those 8 million are now coming together with a chance at last, of removing the veil. You are one of the ones who enables that, giving a light at the end of this long, dark tunnel that for years has shown no end in sight and yet people like me have at times crawled to see the end.
You are a writer of fact-based truth, of justice, of research, of freedom and therefore love and care and respect for people whom you do not know. You enable the tired among us to get to our knees and stand up and feel energised that there is an end in sight. That is honourable and I hope you know that we appreciate it.
I hope that health is always bestowed upon your hands and mind, for the work you are doing, is critical for not just us but the whole of mankind. I hope the momentum of every tear that has been shed over this organization, perpetuates the motion of each stroke of a keyboard or push of a pen.
Thank you Mr. Trey Bundy on behalf of all victims and survivors.
From one of many who just wants their family back.