Just my opinion...
Yes, it can be their subconscious mind. The subconscious mind does amazing things when you don't listen to what it wants. Their subconscious knows it's not the truth and is fighting against the mind-control that's manipulating the mind... but JW's keep themselves in denial within the mind by telling their subconscious to shut-up, it's the truth. So the subconscious eventually over-rides this battle that's causing the mind harm by causing mystery illnesses to stop you from doing what's harming you, physically. The subconscious is what the GB labels as ''satan attacking you'' and tells you to ignore it by doing more. Bastards! Is it any wonder the dubs are popping pills to cope!
This happened to me years ago at work - the on-site doctor knew straight away what was going on. I had no clue. My subconscious took my voice away, everyday at worktime so that I couldn't physically do my job which was dealing with clients problems on the phone. No voice, no taking on problems. Now lets deal with why your subconscious is stopping you from doing your job she said. Tell me about your past she said. Flood gates opened, nervous break-down ensued. I was shocked.
This is what happens when we don't listen to what our body/gut instinct/subconscious mind, is telling us is right and wrong for us.