"What happened?"
Well if the scientist did not come up with anything new all the time they would be out of a job.
For one thing there is no grant/goverment/foundation money in not "crying wolf". And then there is the popular progressive mind set that mankind and especially large corporations that market (for EVIL profits) what mankind wants to buy are the scourge of this planet, and must be punished economically for being this scourge: for venturing out of caves and wanting to be well fed, warm in the cold, cool in the heat, well housed, well clothed and wanting to be modernly mobile by wheel and air. How Dare We.
Yes, I am old enough to remember the "coming, eminent ice age", and the "Population Bomb" (which is now several years past due by the way).
Reminds me of "straining out the knat and swallowing the camel".
Our sun is ageing and will get hotter and hotter, eventually turning the earth into a crispy critter.
Our earth is ageing too, getting warmer at the molten core: volcanoes, earthquakes (plate tectonics), and by some strange mechanism producing PETROLIUM that is known to be seeping through vents in the ocean's floor. But it's BAAADD to use that petrolium because it produces, OMG!, greenhouse gasses; one of which (green house gasses) is water vapor(evaporation cycyle) that the earth itself produces - how you 'goona stop that one? Speaking of the dreaded CO2, remember when "they" insisted on catylytic converters on autos to lower the carbon monoxide and sulfer emissions? Those 'converters' actually converted the engine emmissions to predominatly CO2 (so I have been told).
Scientists tell us about all the cycles the earth has gone through in the past during it's billions of years of exhistence and yet completly ignore the fact of those cycles in the context of the present minute (teeny tiny) time frame.
We have deified science and made it a very fat, well fed "sacred cow". And "science" is still working on learing about the things it can change and the things it cannot change. Sort of like the Alcoholics Prayer except science, at this point, does not have the "wisdom to tell the difference".
Want something more pressing than 'global warming' to worry about? Try googling "Yellowstone Supervolcano".....