I am a devotee of this particular web site http://dogtorj.tripod.com/index.html
His personal medical experience, professional experience as a licensed practicing veterinarian, and vast research have all shown that our immune systems are being compromised by gluten, casein, and soy in our everyday modern/manufactured diets so that the good things (like vitamins, minerals, enzymes/whatever), in our diets cannot get through the sticky coatings covering the villi of the duodenum.
I have found the advice on that site very helpful to myself. By following the 'guide lines' of his theory I no longer need Tums daily and a Pepcid before bed.
My nocturnal acid reflux has completely disappeared! My energy is up, my 'cravings' down, weight is easier to lose and much easier to keep off and I can tell that I am no longer wasting my multivitamin by the lack of color of my urine in the mid-morning. And my 1400mg. of glucosamine/chondroiten per day + cod liver oil is still keeping me sound and symptom free and away from the orthopedic surgeon who wants to do a total replacement of my right hip.
So before you put all that money into exotic supplements I would kindly suggest you read at least the first two pages of his site - yeah, it's lots of reading, but well worth it. Then all those goodies you want to take will have the best chance of getting into your system and really doing you some actual good.