Puppylove, yes, read it and give us the 'jist' of the article.
I, for one, live for my Dog. talley/Judy
has anyone read this?
i had it shoved in my face in the subway at 42nd street this morning by the jw drone who stands there.
as usual, i controlled my urge to kick her, but the title of the article caught my eye, pet lover that i am.. i would assume it lays a load of guilt on anyone who holds their pet in high esteem..
Puppylove, yes, read it and give us the 'jist' of the article.
I, for one, live for my Dog. talley/Judy
and again, for those who like Labrador Retrievers and PUPPIES !!!!
http://home.comcast.net/~labfeet1/index.html weekdays 8-6 EST
http://www.justlabradors.com/forum/ I spend as much "time" there as here. And that's alot !
Which fact tells me that I really "need to get a life!" talley/Judy
depression relief diet.
sue gilbert, m.s.. .
if it sometimes seems that food is the only thing that will make you feel better, it's not just in your head.
Along with this discussion of depression and diet is an excellent book I found a couple of years ago entitled " Lights Out ..sleep, sugar and survival" by T.S. Wiley with Bent Formby, Ph.D brief quote from back cover: ' With research gleaned from the National Institutes of Health, T.S. Wiley and Bent Formby deliver staggering findings that challenge everything you've ever heard about obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer and depression. Americans aren't just sick and tired of struggling with their weight and battling disease, they're actually sick just because they're tired' Main premise of the book is that we need to be in the dark at least 9.5 hours a night seven months a year according to the solar season, and when we don't, how it affects our hormones and endocrine systems... Look for the book at your local library and if it does not have it, order it on 'inter library loan'. talley/Judy
i've just been informed that i have the opportunity to go to madrid spain on february 15th.
i need to lose about 10 pounds in less than 3 weeks.
i have a bad knee and cannot hit the gym.
Swimming would be very good exercise for burning calories and getting 'in shape'.
I read just recently that one can use up about 300/half hour at a slow crawl, and water
exercise would be very good for your knee. Look for a pool with steps, so you do not
stress the knee getting in and out. I am currently swimming for weight reduction,
along with diet, and to spare cartilage in the hip, trying to avoid hip replacement as
long as possible. It's working !!! No longer use the cain and no pain meds !!!
when will the guilty feeling of leaving the org go away?
i am feeling at my lowest point right now, and its terrible.
this after visiting my parents and feeling that awkward tension building between us.
It gets better, not just better, but 1000 pounds are lifted off your shoulders and mind after
Scriptural and historic proof that the WTBTS is not God's organization !!!!
how long have you guys been out of the truth and what family background of the truth do you guys have?.
i 've read profiles and the comments and i wonder who was the newest to come out...?.
emmm what is the latest on the generation theory?.
(for those of you who are stiil 'walking the fine line between in and out', please read Crisis of Conscience by Ray Franz - can be found at many public libraries) Happy Trails, talley/Judy
is fornication as bad as the jw's say it is?
jw quote - "the aftereffects of immorality are as bitter as wormwood and as sharp as a two-edged sword?painful and death dealing.
a troubled conscience, an unwanted pregnancy, or a sexually transmitted disease are often the bitter consequences of such conduct.
Foe. Been there - done that. First marriage had sex before marriage. Second time around waited until the judge signed the certificate ( I was 32, Bud was 44). It is now 30 yrs later and we are closer than ever due to common interests besides sex.
I think of sex as the 'frosting' on the 'cake' of life. One can live on 'cake' alone, it's better with a bit of 'frosting', but all 'frosting' and no 'cake' is not good for one. What is important is the 'cake'/life's partner. Chosen wisely, he/she will 'sustain' you for the rest of your life.
so i just figured i'd ask what's everybody's background here.. are you:.
a. a jehovah's witness.
b. an ex-baptized witness.
D----> A----> B----> F. talley ( on the second to last lap of life's journey )
looking to make contact with any x-jw living north of mlps st. paul
And I am just east of the TwinCities, in River Falls, WI.