just hubby Bud, and Auggie the doggie....ubbadaea ubbadaea ubbadaea That's All Folks !
JoinedPosts by talley
I can empathize, Txsun, because my mother too had signed specific medical instructions in the event of terminal illness. From what I can recall, the JWs do not get into end of life matters, except for blood transfusions. My mom had a massive brain bleed type 'stroke' and when I got to the hospital, we went over her medical directives, the Dr. was willing to go along with her wishes and moved her from the ER to a hospital room. Mom appeared completely unresponsive in every way. Very soon a hospital 'Chaplin came in to try to talk me out of this course, and while we were talking I was watching Mom; two or three tears leaked from her closed eyes and trickled down her temples and I thought she was breathing a bit faster than normal. Finally I concentrated on replying to the Chaplin concerning her wishes and that I intended to honor her wishes, just then Mom's breath rate seemed to slow to normal. A while later I explained to Mom that I had to go home for a while to feed the dogs and particularly give medication to the one dog that had terminal cancer, but would be back in an hour or so and that in the meantime no one would 'hook her to anything'. I was astound to see her take a very long and deep breath !! as if she completely understood and was no longer afraid or worried. Mom lasted another 12 hours. One suggestion would be for you to arrange hospice care for your parent, as they are very good about pain management and seeing to it that the person is as comfortable as can be as the end approaches. For myself, I felt more honor bound to comply with Mom's wishes and did not consider that to be a 'sin', but rather a 'good work'. Txsun, feel free to private message me if you need to 'talk' about this some more; I would be more than willing to have a telephone conversation with you. I am so sorry that you find yourself in this difficult situation. talley/Judy
Milestone in my mind, not Millstone round my neck
by gitasatsangha init was monday at the temple.
our sangha (buddhist community) meets usually on mondays at the local monastary.
it's not a pagoda or anytihng, it's actually an old farm house which has been well maintained.
I thought my 'milestone' had been enjoying sending Christmas cards Dec.'02. Not so.
Memorial day of '03, Hubby wanted me to go with him to the local 'celebration' at the cemetery here in River Falls. I was enjoying myself with the music and speakers, then got a bit more serious as the program went along; but when an old veteran played TAPS on the bugle, and someone else up the hill played an echoing bugle that I completely lost it and could not keep the tears back and my throat choked with grattitude to these men and my country. I had missed feeling patriotic soooo much!
Seems like I have become again who I once was, for instance I was the first woman in AFROTC at Michigan State University back in 1959, very patriotic, conservitive, and seriously considered making the military my career. Youth is now long behind me, but I can still take pride in the principles that have made this country great. I wallowed in the coverage of Regan's funeral. And find that at this time in my life I do not suffer fools gladly ( like France for example ).
Will I die at Armageddon?
by sinamongurl inthe anwser is: know one really knows but jehovah.. i have been df'd for 3 years now.
i still struggle with: "should i go back cuz i dont want to die" .
but then its not really for the "right" reason.
Chance and Cirmstance will dictate when and how one dies. Eccl 9: 11 &12. not the WTBTS.
It is all a "vanity and a striving after the wind". Eccl. 6: 9 Which also says to believe your (lying) eyes!
Would you still love Him in the now?
by Steve Lowry inmany believe in god and that when we die we go to be with him and live forever.
but what if this life is all there is, and god in the end, has no plans for you in eternity.
would you still love him in the now?
In the NOW I do not 'believe in' him ( God ). That way I am not angry with him.
As to an 'after life' if there is one, I had better be with all my dogs that have died. I want to go to wherever they went. But I think that after death will be as before I was born - non existant. Just fine with me.
I count on absolutely nothing from the Cosmic Deadbeat Dad.
An average Americans view of the French people
by Maverick ini have just returned from spending a week in the company of frenchbabyface, (fbf) and would like to share some basic observation that i feel will enlighten my fellow countrymen and women about a people we, as a culture, actually know very little about.
i do believe the medias of both countries do not show their people an honest and forthright view of the other countries people.
the american media gives us almost no news of france and most of what we do get is not very positive.
Just finished reading a very interesting, thoughtful, well documented book pertaining to this subject;
"HATING AMERICA The New World Sport" by John Gibson
Got mine at the local public library. Well worth the read. talley/Judy
by azaria inim borrowing it from the library and am almost half way through.
at times i have to put it down because it makes me so furious.
i had a difficult time getting into it at first because its definitely not an uplifting book.
What really opened my eyes is the fact that they VOTED on all these matters. Evidently the Holy Spirit says different things to different GB members, or maybe there is no such thing as the HS!
The history of Islam
by Elsewhere inhttp://www.islamicweb.com/history/chronology.htm
according to a pro-islam website... islam?s history is filled with conquest and violence.
i was intrigued by another posters post about how the crusades were in response to the muslims invading the western world... so i had to do my own research to see if this was actually true.. as it turns out, the muslims have a habit of trying to take over the world.
Well, sports fans, your young children and grandchildren will be living the history of the future, and if they are female, they will be living the future in a burka.
When I first got the computer, I sutmbled unto a demographic article of Islam in Denmark. Wish I could find the exact page again, but I can't. The upshot of the article was that at the rate of Danish and Muslim births, Muslims will be the voting majority in Denmark in 40 years. I suspect that France and Germany will not be far behind. Maybe one can even add Canada to that list, as they have recently sanctioned Islamic 'judicial courts' there. Our going overboard on political correctness will be the demise of 'western civilization' as we now know it.
If they can't kill us all, they will outbreed us.
And Elsewhere, thanks for the information on Islam that you have been passing along. We have gotten so complacent and feel so secure that we are not able to recognize danger when it stares us in the eyes.
by Karissa inyour all making feel better- i am actually laughing at the moment with some of your comments.
haven't felt this good in weeks..... yeaahhh, he is a dirt bag!.
thanks guys!.
Back to the top, so this does not get 'lost' from your first post.
(((Karissa))) wishing you the best, always, talley/Judy
by cbew infor those of you that have not heard yet there are two bills pending in congress to bring back the military draft for all 18 - 26 year olds.
for the website see www.congress.org/congressorg/issues/alert/?alertid=583400/&content_dir=ua_congressorg .twin bills s 89 and hr 163 are now being quitely pushed through so that it could become law as early as spring 2005. the bush administrations illegal and unconstitutional war in iraq has cost hundreds of billions of dollars and hundreds of american lives and they mean to keep our troops their indefinitely in the foreseeable future.
stop this madness now before it is too late.
cbew, the 'media are strangly silent' on this subject on purpose because it is a Democrat Party proposal that would be very unpopular, thus would possibly effect the re-election of Dems. in the House and Senate. The media never does any unfavorable mention of the Dem. party.