Once the cast is off your foot, you might consider swimming pool therapy.
Check with the Physical Therapy dept. at your local hosp. to learn where a warm water (85+F) pool is located.
Three years ago I was told I needed a hip replacement. I doubled my glucosamine/chondroitin and cod liver oil and found out about pool therapy. I got a couple of books out of the library about aquatic exercise/fitness, and went to a local motel that had a pool.
After the exercises, one of which is just to walk forward and backward in chest deep water, I just dog paddled around alot, played with my other swiming strokes, and to get some areobic workout I went into the deep water end (only needs to be about 5' deep for me) and worked my legs as if I were riding a bicycle. My porgram was completely unstructured but really helped. After 3 months of water work and losing only 10#, (I'm 5'0", 165# so I am very heavy too) I no longer needed the cain.
This past Fall and Winter I did not go and somehow my clothes got really tight and yet my weight stayed the same; and between my bad knee and hip, I could tell I had put on fat and lost muscle mass. Just this week I started at the pool again and can feel the difference already, espcially the more refreshing sleep and I 'feel' stronger. When I used to go to the pool at least twice a week, I slept much better, was more mentally alert, energetic and positive, and found that my endurance and muscle tone were maintained and even improved.