Hi Scally,
I'm very familiar with this CDA business, and it's fairly common knowledge.
What I'm not sure about is why it struck you this hard?
Bekause sKally is a young, impressionable girl and has a right good
sense of justice... and to suddenly become aware of this partikularly
STINKY piece of Kult Bullshit... well, her reaktion was justifiable.
Why should that surprise you Theeker, or kause you to be un"sure"?
Yes, we all know what we think of the WTS, but JWs think of it as their religion,
Oops! you said "but". I always look for those butts, I mean 'but's.
Since WHEN, Shuge, do the Kult jWs think of themselves as a "religion"?
"Religion Is A Racket And A Snare"...
that ain't never changed since da Judge bellowed it out!
and people in all religions like to donate money to their favorite cause. It provides tax benefits to them, and helps the religion.
Heeee. It helps the Kult (UNLIKE "all" "religions") pay off Lawsuits, Settle Out of Court With Big $$$s and Pay The 'Hush Money'... like a case we had here in western North Carolina of a jW sister who'd been called on the carpet by the local elders and in the Judicial Committee Meeting, they not only browbeat the shit out of her, one of them actually PHYSICALLY ASSAULTED her. They got worried and after waiting a length of time, called "911" to get the Rescue Squad over to the Kingdom Hall to give this sister medical attention.
Well, to make a long story short (and us X-Dubs here in Raleigh kept track of the crime in the news media and through the grapevine), the sister and her husband (the husband was gonna Settle The Score Out of Court with these Bully Elders, but then remembered Judge Wapner's words) took the elders to court in a Big Law Suit.
Speaking of suit, weren't long before the Big Suits from Brooklyn Legal Department were down to North Carolina, and we don't know what was said behind closed doors between the plaintiff and her attorneys and the defendants' Watchtower Attorneys... but doncha know... the case went : : : p o o f ! : : : Yep. Done Disappeared. Someone bound to have succumbed to The Lure Of Money.
When those 'Out of Court Settlements' are made, the agreement is that the plaintiff is gagged and is strictly prohibited to talk about the terms of the settlement or the facts surrounding the case!
Now where, Theeker, do you suppose those Big Bucks for $ettlement came from?? ... uhh, could it be from the hard earned money and estates and wills and properties that the Rank & File donate to the Watchtower, through this pissant piece of krap that sKally just discovered?
You Betcha!
"just like people in all religions"... gimme a break!
With the aforementioned case here in NC, imagine the disappointment
all us Apostates felt in Raleigh. NOW, the case, and the facts of the case and the nasty little details of how these "men of gawd" assaulted a frail sister in a "house of worship", all in the name of "keeping the congregation clean"... (to borrow a phrase from Venice...
... well now, since there was an 'out of court settlement' paid to this sister and her husband by the Watchtower society, (hey, they got the money - it's called "Contributions For The Kingdom Work" - ) the case never went to trial and the Watchtower accomplished what they set out to do - KEEP IT OUT OF COURT! - because, that way there is no transcript of a trial, which would be entered into the Public Record and ANYONE could read it or publish it or create a website(s) and circulate the Dastardly Deeds of the WT around the World!
...that was the main source of our disappointment, when word came down, that the sister 'backed down'...
All religions have this, and this booklet is a way of explaining the legal steps involved to do things by the book.
"to do things by the book"... heee, that's RICH, Theeker.
Why is this shocking?
Why wouldn't this be shocking to sKally?
Just genuinely curious.
Just genuinely curious to your reaction to sKally's reaction.