that looks like a Mr. Microphone to me.
maybe 'hovah just wants to do a little karaoke?
looks like he's really bringing the House(s) Down!
or if he's doing a 'Stand Up' act,
he's really Kracking the joint up!
the jehovah witnesses don't mind at all showing others.
getting the living hell beaten out of them.... but they don't like it when they're on the receiving end of the stick.. for a wee bit of irony, in that regard, you might want to click:.
that looks like a Mr. Microphone to me.
maybe 'hovah just wants to do a little karaoke?
looks like he's really bringing the House(s) Down!
or if he's doing a 'Stand Up' act,
he's really Kracking the joint up!
the jehovah witnesses don't mind at all showing others.
getting the living hell beaten out of them.... but they don't like it when they're on the receiving end of the stick.. for a wee bit of irony, in that regard, you might want to click:.
The jehovah Witnesses don't mind at all showing OTHERS
getting the LIVING HELL BEATEN Out of them...
but THEY don't like it when THEY're on the receiving end of the stick.
For a Wee Bit of Irony, in that regard, you might want to click:
LOve, Tallyman
i think that it is very important that the word goes out to everyone who can hear that "dateline" is doing a report on the problem of child molestation in the organization, and how it's been routinely covered up.. there will be former and currant members interviewed, and they even show an "awake!
" article!.
check "dateline's" web site for further details.. this is important since we all know that nothing we say holds any water with the jws..and they're not "allowed" to view our web sites...but what can they say about national television?!!.
Anne Marie:
jWs..and they're not "allowed" to view our web sites...but what can they say about NATIONAL TELEVISION?!!
Why, it would be like inviting those evil worldlies such as
John Larson and Stone Phillips and Jane Pauley to come sit down
right in your living room and socializing with them, and even entertaining them!
It is NOT permitted. And that's that!
And any jW "caught" watching "Dateline", or discussing the show
will be "marked" in the congregation and will be thereafter viewed
as an "unapproved associate".
The jWs will be told the show is ALL LIES, and what good theocrat
would tune in to hear liars... and : : g a s p ! : : listen to
Disfellowshipped Apostates???
Watching "Dateline" will be Verboten for the Dubbies.
And maybe even the platform service talk will be about how now
would be a good time to think about 'vacation pioneering',
and to unplug the TV set, and/or to see if the GOOD Witness
can go for ONE WHOLE MONTH without watching television...
or some such.
LOve, Tallyman
no, those are not the terrorists.. they are the people fleeing the terrorist.. here are the terrorist strikes against famous nyc landmarks:.
we wonder why the terroristic watchtowerkult propaganda.
I don't post much here...but when I see a subject titledWhyow Now!
such as yours it makes me sick....
How does it make you sick, sugar booger?
Like, do you run a temperature?
Are you suffering a tummy ache?
Do you feel as if you want to vomit?
When the postman "delivers" a letter to you from someone you are not
fond of, or just gives you a stack of junk mail, do you express
to him or her that what you just saw makes you sick?
Do you often go after the messenger instead of the message?
I'll let you in on a l'il sekret.
The subject title of this thread? Well, it was modified to be more
"sensitive"... in fact a wonderful poster named "Mimilly" helped
me come up with a working title which would be just that-
"more sensitive".
(Mimilly, got yer ears on? - WhyNow doesn't like your ideas...)
Now, title aside, was there ANYTHING about the content of the post,
and the link it directed you to, that made you feel sick?
I've gotten a LOT of comments from people who were sickened when they
saw the full Horrocaust the Watchtowerkult "Art" Dept. has engaged in
over the years.
It IS Nasty, isn't it?
I am not fond of people who try to get attention by any means necessay.Whyow! me neither!
Hey, did you know the United States is presently at war with Terrorists? ... and did you know that New York City landmarks are at risk of being attacked ... and did you know that U.S. Citizens were asked by our president to be on the look-out for ANY suspicious activity ... and when I saw that pic of NYC landmarks being "nuked"
by the Propaganda Mill of the Watchtowerkult ... well, doing my civic duty ... I felt I just had to post them here and elsewhere to alert the citizens and the authorities.
What are YOU doing to help out in this time of National Crisis?
Now, just today, a guy named Jim, emailed me, and had the exact
OPPOSITE reaction as you to my post and webpages.
LOve, Tallyman
From: "Jim ______" <>
To: < [email protected]>
Subject: The Watchtower Stuff
Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 16:24:37 -0600
Always enjoy witnessing a mask being torn away to reveal ugliness. Especially when it's a theocratic institution.
But perhaps that may be from living in Utah for eight years.
Kudos on a job well done.
no, those are not the terrorists.. they are the people fleeing the terrorist.. here are the terrorist strikes against famous nyc landmarks:.
we wonder why the terroristic watchtowerkult propaganda.
As part of your Christian faith, what do you think will happen to Wall Street and the United Nations bldg etc. when your lord Jesus Christ returns?Joel
you are a Very Rude Big Bad Boy!
You dare ask me questions of a religious nature,
when you have not answered a one of the questions
of a religious nature I politely put to you.
Where do you get off doing that?
That I should answer your questions, when you have NOT shown me
the courtesy of answering mine, when I inquired of you.
Well, so that I don't sink to the same low level as you,
I will give you what you did NOT give to me - An Answer.
As part of your Christian faith, what do you think will happen to Wall Street and the United Nations bldg etc. when your lord Jesus Christ returns?My answer to that is I think, as part of my Christian faith,
They will, by the time Christ returns, have been destroyed, by, most likely, Fundamentalist Fanatics of the Islamic persuasion, or another persuasion, whether by individual Terror Cells or by Terror Nations who've acquired the ability to launch a nuclear strike - Iran, Korea, Iraq - heyyy, I wonder why the United States views Iraq as such a threat right now, and is planning an all-out attack to wipe out their capabilities of delivering Weapons of Mass Destruction?
But, and this IS a possibility, some of these aforementioned landmarks might be attacked in an attempt to destroy them by a faction
of extremely unstable (as opposed to the normally unstable) jehovah Witnesses, who have been deeply influenced by Watchtowerkult propaganda - text and illustration - that these landmarks are EVIL and SATANIC and must be destroyed... and figuring they'd be doing jehovah-Of-The-Watchtower a favor by attempting to destroy them.
But the idiot jehovahs will most likely flub the job as they would be novices and jacklegs in the business of actually carrying out Terrorist attacks. They will find out real quick that it is MUCH easier to Destroy one of these American landmarks "on paper", than it is to actually destroy one.
So, again, most likely, these American landmarks, like the World Trade Center, will be destroyed by cults, other than the Watchtowercult, and it could happen any time. Maybe even this Memorial Day Holiday Weekend terrorists will set off a black market Nuke in New York city, so if you're going to say goodbye to any of your Bethel Buddies in NYC, now might be a good time to call them up.
- now, at this point, I would ask you a question... but I realize it would be fruitless and a waste of my time, since you don't answer the questions I've put to you.
But, the LEAST likely scenario of what would happen to "Wall Street" and the "United Nations" is what is depicted in the Watchtower "Art" in this thread... but then again, some more-whacked-out-than-the-average-jW may 'run with' that Watchtower "Art" propaganda, and try to make it a reality.
jWs are a VERY Dangerous and Destructive Kult, and who knows, they may have given ideas and influenced al-Quaeda to do what they have done, and are planning to do.
Is the Watchtower magazine printed in the Arabic language?
(that question was rhetorical)
no, those are not the terrorists.. they are the people fleeing the terrorist.. here are the terrorist strikes against famous nyc landmarks:.
we wonder why the terroristic watchtowerkult propaganda.
Just visited your site Tallyman, I take it you're not going for a position in the governing body.
Nawww, when I found out that the Watchtowerkult did not have a
'Suggestion Box', I kinda lost interest, but I'd still be willing
to be appointed Head of the Watchtower "Art" Department.
Hey, maybe you could get Yoda to "carve out" a position for me!
no, those are not the terrorists.. they are the people fleeing the terrorist.. here are the terrorist strikes against famous nyc landmarks:.
we wonder why the terroristic watchtowerkult propaganda.
So, was WILL SMITH ever a jw?
I don't know sKally.
Why don't you ask Whacko Jacko or the Purple Pwince.
LOve, Tallyman
no, those are not the terrorists.. they are the people fleeing the terrorist.. here are the terrorist strikes against famous nyc landmarks:.
we wonder why the terroristic watchtowerkult propaganda.
Tallyman - you used a very good phrase above in one of your posts:Terroristic Watchtower Propaganda.. or
WTS engages in terrorism
Terrorists within the WTSMimilly
Okay, Mimilly, I retitled the thread per your suggestion, (see start)
as a compromise - "WTS engages in terrorism on NYC landmarks!"
and trimmed it down to ONE Exclamation Mark.
Since the illustration most definitely portrays NYC landmarks
being destroyed and the New Yorkers, terrorized, I HAD to include
the "on NYC landmarks".
I'm glad we could work together.
LOve, Tallyman
no, those are not the terrorists.. they are the people fleeing the terrorist.. here are the terrorist strikes against famous nyc landmarks:.
we wonder why the terroristic watchtowerkult propaganda.
But Tom!!The art department has depicted accurately, with "NO MISTAKES", what will ACCURATELY due time. (< )
Thanks for the link.
We'll try to add that to our page.
all the Watchtower "Art" pictures we have up at:
were checked, and rechecked and checked again, so that NO MISTAKES
would be made in how the portrayal of DEATH & DESTRUCTION of Worldlies
would be made??
So that the Illustrations of Mayhem and Murder of Innocent Civilians
would be ACCURATE and 100% Watchtower-Certified and Approved
BEFORE publication and release?
I had no idea of just how much "Quality-Control" the Watchtowerkult
put into their "artistic" endeavors.
LOVe, Tallyman
no, those are not the terrorists.. they are the people fleeing the terrorist.. here are the terrorist strikes against famous nyc landmarks:.
we wonder why the terroristic watchtowerkult propaganda.
The Alchemist:
Thank You Tallyman.
You are certainly most Welcome, Alchemist.
Nice to make your acquaintance.
It is true that we lived for the 'Great Terrorist's Promise.'
Remember the proverb in their Kult Bible, the New World Translation?-
"Expectation postponed, is making the heart sick."
Well, sad to say, but we think that a LOT of those disappointed jehovah Witnesses who have been expecting and waiting and waiting for decades to have the World MURDERED, so that they can get their Goodies, and the last time that was supposed to have happened - they REALLY could almost TASTE IT - all that yummy fruit they'd be eating in WTParadise(tm), was in 1975...
and that's been 27 FREEKIN' YEARS AGO - WHAD A POSTPONEMENT!!!...
and since this is the case, we think that many of those jehovah Witnesses ARE SICK in the Heart and in the Mind,
and this makes them very Unstable and Extremely Dangerous...
and if jehovah-Of-The-Watchtower won't give them their Damned Paradise RIGHT NOW! DAMMIT, because he promised - thru his Fateful Slave, the Guv Body, that Dammit! Dammit! Dammit! some of them are saying and thinking in their SickSickSick Heads and Hearts,
that some of them might be willing to uhhh, 'force the action', DAMMIT!@#!@*
and create their OWN LITTLE ARMAGEDDON - if you know what I mean -
and at LEAST send their children on to WatchtowerParadise(tm).
Here is an Example of that sickness:
Your web site is a reminder of the sickness of the indoctrinated jW mind and those who are most responsible, the people who live at the end of the Brooklyn Bridge.
Right. In my website, I am trying to do a Public Service,
to warn people AWAY from the Dangerous and Destructive WTKult
and to expose the INSIDE of that sick and indoctrinated jW mind.
Those pictures of Armageddon always bothered me - especially as a child. I had nightmares about that!!
Do you think that making little children look and study those pictures
is a form of Child Abuse?
I do.
I know the 'silentlambs' issue is getting most of the attention now,
and it should, because molestation and the cover-up of pedophilia,
is MUCH more horrible that this form of child abuse to which I refer,
nevertheless, it IS and HAS taken its toll on many jehovah Witnesses.
And I couldn't figure out why those people left behind would be smiling - wouldn't they be sad about the loss of life? I still feel that way today - I would be sad that anyone had to die.
Even though the EVIDENCE is staring him in the face.
You will find that some on this forum are DEEP in Denial
as to just how EVIL the Watchtowerkult really is.
Some of them have relatives in still in the Watchtower,
and they just can't bring themselves to associate that WTEvil
with their loved ones... and that is tragic that their family members
are still trapped in the Watchtower, but it does not negate the
and besides, most of those jW family members are 'rank and file',
and have been suckered like we all were, and can't be held responsible
for much of the EVIL that the Watchtowerkult commits,
even though there is that "principle of Community Responsibility"
that the WT used to preach about a lot in past years...
but not so much or not at all in recent times.
Wonder why?
LOve, Tallyman