I think you have struck gold here stuckinarut2
,because what lazy is ,is what lazy does.{ Compliments of Forrest Gump }
From what I have learned here these past 10 years on this board parents of children nowadays do not have the same in depth knowledge of the Bible or even the reasons the JW religion has for believing/accepting this or that doctrine.
Not like the old days when JW`s could hold their own with a discussion on what they believed and why they believed it.
Those days have apparently gone ,why ? because Jehovahs Witnesses Adults have become lazy and just rely on what the GB say without seeking out why the GB say this or that ,they just blindly follow on.
So no wonder the children of these parents can no longer defend what they believe with scriptures .
The whole religion has been dumbed down to:
" You want to know what Jehovah`s Witnesses believe ? here you go log on to JW.Org and all your questions will be answered"