It`s a waste of time and effort to write letters to the Watchtower Society ,they will just fall on deaf ears and end up in the garbage bin with nobody of any importance in the organization even seeing your letters.
However letters to the media ,local and national ,.current affairs journalists ,and social issues journalists could very well take up the baton if enough letters reach their desks.
Also letters to local politicians in either state or federal ,if enough letters are received could make an impact and either expose or embarrass the JW doctrine of the WT.into making some changes.
I too have done some letters but believe I could/should do a lot more.
Then again with the findings of the ARC into JW`s and their handling of child sexual abuse cases ,didn`t the ARC find 70 recommendations they wanted JW/WT organization to address ? and the WT Society took issue with everyone of them ?
I haven`t heard anything back since that doozy. some months ago.
UTC ,dont get me wrong I applaud you for trying I just think writing to the WTS and expecting change is throwing pearls before swine.