If they are spirit directed ,appointed by God ,have Holy Spirit upon them , how can anyone use the excuse they are imperfect men who make mistakes ?
Their is absolutely no logic to those opposing claims .
At least the Roman Catholic Church covered their ASS with this dilemma.
When the Pope issues a { "Papal Bull of Doctrine and Faith" } that is a truth that is engraved in stone so to speak a truth that cannot be changed .
It does not cover everything the Pope says at any given time.
However the Pope can make an utterance as a human being that is not a "Papal Bull" and he can make mistakes being human.
The JW/WT/GB deceive their members misrepresenting the R.C.Church by claiming the Pope makes errors himself knowing full well the distinction the RC Church has in what the Pope says and what a "Papal Bull" means .and they dont inform JW`s of that distinction.
The sin of Omission