I lived in the Brisbane area for 37 years although I have been out for the past 25 or so years if that helps .
You can pm me if its confidential and I can be a bit more specific with my details.
seeking an exjw living in brisbane, originally from christchurch, new zealand.
it's important we get in touch with them, may have information on csa victims.. especially those who are part of the brisbane exjw meetup fb group - could you please get in touch with me.. pm me or email [email protected].
top priority..
I lived in the Brisbane area for 37 years although I have been out for the past 25 or so years if that helps .
You can pm me if its confidential and I can be a bit more specific with my details.
first of all, i want to say thanks to all of you guys who gave me advice on my first post.
it really helped and i will try to use all of it.
now, i been doing research on what is false about the jdubs.
Jw`s published "The Kingdom Interlinear of The Christian Greek Scriptures " { Ki } some years ago which had a word for word translation of the Greek Text. do they still use it ? I wouldn`t be surprised if they didn`t.
and the reason I am saying this ?
No where in the CGS is the Tetragrammaton Hebrew characters the four Jewish letters representing Gods name.
And no where is their an equivalent Greek translation of those four Hebrew consonants for the divine name in the Christian Greek Scriptures
Those four letters representing Gods name do not exist in the Christian Greek Scriptures /New Testament period.
Jehovah`s Witnesses are guilty of adding to the word of God Rev.22:18
this is my first post to this site, im pale.emperor's brother:).
first of all, i've left being a jw in june.
since then my family have tried to convince me it's "the truth" and force me to go back even though it's my own decision.
Dan your the man,good for you and welcome to the forum
Take care my friend.
this was sent to me by the arc for assisting and providing evidence and testimony in relation to jehovah's witnesses, the watchtower bible & tract society of australia, terrence o'brien, vincent toole, and geoffrey jackson of the governing body.. photo 1. a thank you letter, final report, summary brochures of the entire arc, every single case study and related document on a usb memory stick.. photo 2. close up of official arc usb memory stick with every single case study every single report and all the documents used.. photo 3. this arrived last year.
case study 29 into jehovah's witnesses.
i sent this official hardcopy to barbara anderson as a gift for all her hard work.. .
I thank you for your response jwleaks as you say the ARC is not going to give you these documents and not expect it to go public.
I hope other Nations /Governments view this report that are dealing with allegations of Child sexuall abuse in the Jehovah Witness religion
I hope all of us here and on other sites like this can use this information to inform the public about the truth of what Jehovah`s Witnesses are all about and not just the sanitized version Jehovah`s Witnesses give about themselves.
this was sent to me by the arc for assisting and providing evidence and testimony in relation to jehovah's witnesses, the watchtower bible & tract society of australia, terrence o'brien, vincent toole, and geoffrey jackson of the governing body.. photo 1. a thank you letter, final report, summary brochures of the entire arc, every single case study and related document on a usb memory stick.. photo 2. close up of official arc usb memory stick with every single case study every single report and all the documents used.. photo 3. this arrived last year.
case study 29 into jehovah's witnesses.
i sent this official hardcopy to barbara anderson as a gift for all her hard work.. .
I think you have received the "OSCAR" "Golden Globes" award and the "Logies" award (lol) for your perseverance contributing to the ARC ,jwleaks
Well done ,now the big question ?
Can members of this board and others on other boards copy and distribute this information out to the broader community ? without violating any laws ?
In other words can any of us go public to the general community with this information ?
I certainly hope so ?
Edit to say : I hope Barbara Anderson can make good use of this information and make best use of it as I`m sure she can .
The response Of Jehovah`s Witnesses and Watchtower Bible And Tract Society of Australia Ltd.to allegations of Child Sexual Abuse October 2016
case study Number 29
That should be very interesting.
Thank you for providing this latest information to us.
Well done jw.leaks.
i read john redwood’s excellent article on avoidjw.org but what was even more mind blowing for me was all the jw comments via disqus at the end of the article:.
they are all the typical lashing out comments based on emotion rather than logical reasoning along with the watchtower apologists thrown in for good measure.. if any of you have a disqus account, then i’d encourage you to have your say.
I`m all for still in JW lurkers to investigate sites like this at least it shows some still have brain cells left to question what is being told to them and not blindly being obedient to following what "may not seem rational in a practical view but obey anyway" or words to that effect .
I only hope lurkers (not a derogatory word ) keep searching / researching of what they believe and why they believe it and not just believing what some 7 men in America tell them to believe and obey without question whether they understand the reasons or not.
Knowledge , Accurate knowledge leads to freedom from those who want to enslave us.
one of the most common "defences" of jw organization is that "the brothers" are imperfect yet still strive to follow god's word.
"sure, they make mistakes," so the argument goes, "but so did god's people in the past, including in bible times.
" the key point is their readiness to keep studying god's word and learning from their mistakes.".
If they are spirit directed ,appointed by God ,have Holy Spirit upon them , how can anyone use the excuse they are imperfect men who make mistakes ?
Their is absolutely no logic to those opposing claims .
At least the Roman Catholic Church covered their ASS with this dilemma.
When the Pope issues a { "Papal Bull of Doctrine and Faith" } that is a truth that is engraved in stone so to speak a truth that cannot be changed .
It does not cover everything the Pope says at any given time.
However the Pope can make an utterance as a human being that is not a "Papal Bull" and he can make mistakes being human.
The JW/WT/GB deceive their members misrepresenting the R.C.Church by claiming the Pope makes errors himself knowing full well the distinction the RC Church has in what the Pope says and what a "Papal Bull" means .and they dont inform JW`s of that distinction.
The sin of Omission
seriously, is this what society has come too?
how can there be a problem in this country with morbid obesity and you promote it on a tv show?.
maybe i just don't get it, but i was in a doctor's office and it was on the tv and i literally wanted to hit this woman in the face with a shoe.
Is it just me or am I the only one who see`s health Care Professionals ,those in medical professions and the like who are obviously obese / overweight ? And I might add seem to be addicted to smoking which is another health hazard ?
I had a friend in the "truth" many years ago who got involved in one of these health fads and he wore a t-shirt that read " Lose Weight -Ask Me How" and I kid you not he had a pot belly the size of a 9 gallon Keg.
i cannot believe i let 7 men in new york tell me god didn't consider me righteous.
how do people that believe in god put up with this crap!!
no wonder in all my years i had a hard time praying.
Funny how the majority of Anointed around the World including Sisters have absolutely no say in organizational matters even at local Kingdom Hall level yet when the die they can sit beside the throne of Jesus Christ and rule as King priests ?
Women (Sisters ) apparently are turned into males to be Kings and not Queens , OH and they also grow beards
i was just pondering this passage of scripture:.
romans 8:35-39 (new world translation).
35 who will separate us from the love of the christ?+ will tribulation or distress or persecution or hunger or nakedness or danger or sword?+ 36 just as it is written: “for your sake we are being put to death all day long; we have been accounted as sheep for slaughtering.”+ 37 on the contrary, in all these things we are coming off completely victorious+ through the one who loved us.
Simply stated because Apostates - Research -An Honest Heart ,not lying to oneself -speaks the Truth .
In contrast to the WTB&TS /GB members who do no such thing who go to no ends trying to prop up a religion that was started by C.T.Russell and then taken over by J.F.Rutherford promoting a religious publishing house for years to come.
With guaranteed sales from their members.