I now laugh at that claim Jehovah never changes ,
"He is the same today as He was yesterday and is the same as He is tomorrow" Oh Yeah ?
In the Old Testament /Hebrew Scriptures Jehovah is a bloodthirsty ,war mongering ,genocidal God who delights in killing old men old women and children dashing them to pieces because they don`t worship him
The old testament is full of such accounts.
Never mind the fact that he never bothered to have any dealings with other nations other than the Jews at all.
And then in the New Testament /Christian Greek Scriptures we are supposed to believe that God is love ?
"That he gave his only begotten son so that all exercising faith in him may have everlasting life" ?
Oh hang on, Jesus Christ is going to rule with 144000 resurrected imperfect humans for a thousand years good luck with that brainwave ,then after the thousand years of Christ and his imperfect humans rule Jehovah is going to let loose on mankind Satan the Devil again to mislead humanity again to their destruction ,a number which are as the sands of the seashore.
So after killing Billions of people at Armageddon very soon in another thousand or so years he is going to kill untold Millions/Billions more humans male female child and have no pity for them .
Simply because he let Satan out among them again to mislead them ?
What imperfect human father would subject their child to such an abomination.? Time and time again ?
As Jehovah God is prepared to do ?