The fact that her protesting has got media attention is great the more that this type of thing hits the media the more people are going to be aware that the JW religion is a cult and one to stay away from.
JoinedPosts by smiddy3
Not new really - but in the news in Canada today
by Moster in
Did You Ever Find The Theolgy of JWs Reasonable?
by minimus inwhen i was a young man growing up in the religion, i would try to defend whatever the understanding of a doctrine was.
i won a lot of arguments based on the idea that i knew better than anyone i was talking to and defended myself admirably.
(lol)....eventually, i realized i was in a cult but for many years i was a believer and i had faith that the gb knew more that i could understand..
I have to agree with BluesBrother and that I too was at a vulnerable stage in my life when I converted at age 19 believing they had all the right answers as OTWO says.
Cookthebooks--Here is your Leaked Elder Videos!
by Atlantis incookthebooks:.
there are several leaked elder videos in the zipped file.
use 7-zip or whatever program you use to unzip the folder..
I wonder how many of those books behind Splane are now old light and not worth the paper they are printed on.
A spy's life is a lonely one
by LevelThePlayingField inso i have been awake since about this time in 2013, so about 5 years.
and the craziest thing about it is that now, no one, and i mean no one know's i am an apostate.
meaning, that i don't believe the jw minds set/beliefs at all, and no one knows it.
Your wicked Pete however it`s not a bad idea except doing it in a KH is far too risky.
I would suggest dropping this info in their letter boxes in the middle of the night or when you know they are not at home.
Take care Bro. and keep your cover up .
Do jw's have any concept of numbers re: population?
by carla ini was just thinking about how jw's like to brag about having 8 million members world wide and thought i might look up just what those numbers really mean in the big scheme of things.
back in the day when me & my jw were still discussing anything jw he thought that 8 million people couldn't be wrong.
i tried to tell him what a minuscule amount that really is to no avail.
Off the top of my head their are more than :
I Billion Catholics
1 Billion Muslims
1 Billion various protestant religions
Billions more non Christian religions
And probably today Billions who have no religion
Just to give it a bit more perspective on how insignificant the JW religion really is.
And another thought who or how are they this 8 million JW`s going to get rid of all the concrete skyscrapers of the modern city`s around the world ?
And don`t forget this all has to be done within a thousand years when the loving God Jehovah releases Satan from bondage to mislead mankind again who according to Revelation are as many as the sands on a seashore
Thank`s God kick us in the guts again
Good post carla showing the absurdity of JW thinking or should I say non thinking.
The works JW`s think they have to do is to slave for the Watchtower organization.?
Mea culpa..
by zeb injust a few hours ago i took my wife (uber) to the hall with eats she had prepared as the cong are doing some work there.
i had not set foot onto the kh property in years and my stomach went into a knot as i did.
well what happened?
Zeb it must be hard to know TTATT while your wife is a full on believer engaged in all the activities .
My thoughts are with you my friend and as far as the ARC goes these things never happen at a fast pace where Govts. are concerned
However I am confident that eventually justice will be the victor in this case .
take a look at jwleaks latest post .
And hasn`t the ARC been held up as the benchmark for investigation into child sexual abuse cases around the world ?
That has to be a plus on it`s own
Take care my friend
Victoria, Australia:Survivors of sexual abuse to be able to sue churches
by AndersonsInfo in
sexual abuse survivors in victoria to be able to sue churches as government moves to end 'ellis defence'.
updated about 2 hours ago.
WOW jwleaks just WOW.!
No wonder the WTB&TS / Jehovah`s Witnesses and everything else that comes under the JW umbrella is now run by the lawyers / legal department
Under the new laws you do not have to sue Watchtower Australia. A class action lawsuit could pursue the denomination of Christians known as "Jehovah's Witnesses."
JW`s in Australia have about 60,000 active members I wonder what the odds are of a class action against "Jehovah`s Witnesses" taking place in the near future .?
Thank you jwleaks for clarifying this
NY City Meet-Up on Saturday, March 31st; 6:00 - 9:00 PM
by patlynnw inmy name is patricia warmack, a ny city ex-jw.
javin michael and i are hosting an ex-jw meet-up on saturday, march 31st, 6:00 - 9:00 pm.
address is 520 eighth avenue, room 16t, new york, ny.
Sounds like a bloody good idea though I`m a bit too far away ,down under in Aussie land.
I hope you all have a great overlapping time
Famous Last Words
by Blueblades insooner or later it happens to all of us.the time comes for us to draw our last breath and pass from this life into the next.over the years history has recorded some fascinating "famous last words" are a few.. "i've never felt better".douglas fairbanks,sr.,actor.. "iam about to----or i am going to-----die;either expression is correct".dominique bouhours,french grammarian.. "don't let it end like this.tell them i said something.
"pancho villa,mexican revolutionary.. "all my possessions for a moment of time!
"elizabeth 1,queen of england.. "everybody has got to die,but i have always believed an exception would be made in my what?
I like that Coded Logic now for a question :I can understand that phrase being true if one is buried however would it be true when one is cremated ?
serious question
There were some funny posts back their any more ?