LOL though it`s oh so true every living thing on this planet keeps living by devouring some other living thing whether it`s on land sea or in the air.
And it has always been the case from time immemorial
the bible passage at luke 15 speaks about being a "sheep who is lost".
the shepherd looks for and brings the sheep back into the fold.. the passage at matthew 13 speaks about the righteous being like wheat - kept separate from the weeds.. but, there is an inherent problem with both passages!
for what reason are the sheep saved?
LOL though it`s oh so true every living thing on this planet keeps living by devouring some other living thing whether it`s on land sea or in the air.
And it has always been the case from time immemorial
i’m 71 years old now.
seven decades plus.
but, i put that in perspective owing to the fact that my older brother died in 1992 at the age of only 51. it was a very sobering time for me even though i was only 45 at the time.
The Bible says the wages of sin is death ,
Lazarus and a couple of others in the Bible died and were resurrected they paid for their sins right?
But they still died According to the Bible they should be still walking around among us but their not.
Death and taxes are the realities of life enjoy life while you can .
i met a wonderful man on several months ago.
on our first date, there was amazing chemistry and we ended up having sex.
it was not planned, it just happened.
He has invited me to church and told me he would go with me if I ever wanted to see what it was about.
And you would be love bombed by the congregation as a newcomer.
In the booklet, they say that Jehovah is written as God's name 70 times in scripture. But, when Iooked Jehovah up in original Hebrew, I only saw it written 4 times as just Jehovah.
In the publication of JW "The Kingdom Interlinear Of The Christian Greek Scriptures" a word for word translation of the Greek New Testament the Tetragrammaton representing Gods name does not exist at all yet JW`s have added the name Jehovah in their translation of the New Testament ?
If they lie about his name being in the New Testament what else would they lie about.
One more important thing to consider :Their are numerous / many scriptures in the New Testament that admonish Christians to do this,that or the other in the NAME of JESUS .
Their is not one Scripture in the New Testament that admonishes Christians to do ANYTHING in the name of Jehovah ,not one.
so small a book, yet habakkuk answers too big questions.. 1) god did not ask israelites to plunder other nations (habakkuk 2:8).
2) god did not authorize eating of flesh of other living beings.
(habakkuk 1:15) uninspired bible writers invented a story of noah’s flood which meant all plant lives got destroyed which necessitated the eating of flesh of living beings (ironically, as though god commanded noah to eat the flesh of the very living beings god supposedly commanded him to save through ark taking two of all creatures).
Every living creature on this earth lives off of the feeding of every other living creature on earth and has done so since Adam was a boy /or since time began whichever came first
On land in the Ocean or in the air .
sexual abuse survivors in victoria to be able to sue churches as government moves to end 'ellis defence'.
updated about 2 hours ago.
When i was being converted in 1960 it was emphasized to me that their was no clergy / laity distinction as existed in Christendom`s religions.
So how come they can claim clergy / penitent privilege in a court of law.
And lets not forget Rom.13: 1 let every soul be in subjection to the superior authorities
{ Apparently only when it suits them to do so otherwise forget about it }
hi please can someone explain this in laymans terms for me coz i be ever got it as a jw and still don't.
it doesn't make sense to me.
bible chronology indicates that god’s kingdom was established in heaven in 1914. this is shown by a prophecy recorded in chapter 4 of the bible book of daniel.. overview of the prophecy.
The whole purpose of the prophecy was that “people living may know that the Most High is Ruler in the kingdom of mankind and that he gives it to whomever he wants, and he sets up over it even the lowliest of men.”
???... Didn`t Satan take Jesus up into the highest mountain and offer him all the kingdoms of the earth if he did one act of worship to him ?
And Jesus didn`t contradict him and say he didn`t have any authority over all those kingdoms did he.
The “seven times” represent the period during which God allowed the nations to rule over the earth without interference from any kingdom that he had set up.
So in other words Jehovah God gave Satan the right to rule over mankind then but wasn`t he already doing that ? since Eden ?
And then the quote from Jesus that the whole world is lying in the power of the Wicked one ? Satan ?
In Job Satan comes before the throne of Jehovah { obviously he is not shunned } and God asked him where he has been and he reply`s from walking about in the earth etc etc.
So Satan has been on the earth causing havoc for 6000 years before he is cast out of heaven and confined to the earth and has had control over all the nations since Adam & Eve sinned .
No wonder I don`t believe in the Bible or a God anymore.
ps. And after the 1000 years of JC reign God in all his wisdom is going to set Satan free to work more havoc on humanity as if they haven`t already suffered enough ?
Such a loving God.
The fact that her protesting has got media attention is great the more that this type of thing hits the media the more people are going to be aware that the JW religion is a cult and one to stay away from.
when i was a young man growing up in the religion, i would try to defend whatever the understanding of a doctrine was.
i won a lot of arguments based on the idea that i knew better than anyone i was talking to and defended myself admirably.
(lol)....eventually, i realized i was in a cult but for many years i was a believer and i had faith that the gb knew more that i could understand..
I have to agree with BluesBrother and that I too was at a vulnerable stage in my life when I converted at age 19 believing they had all the right answers as OTWO says.
there are several leaked elder videos in the zipped file.
use 7-zip or whatever program you use to unzip the folder..
I wonder how many of those books behind Splane are now old light and not worth the paper they are printed on.
so i have been awake since about this time in 2013, so about 5 years.
and the craziest thing about it is that now, no one, and i mean no one know's i am an apostate.
meaning, that i don't believe the jw minds set/beliefs at all, and no one knows it.
Your wicked Pete however it`s not a bad idea except doing it in a KH is far too risky.
I would suggest dropping this info in their letter boxes in the middle of the night or when you know they are not at home.
Take care Bro. and keep your cover up .