Catholics have Easter with over 1 billion members Earth wide celebrating along with the majority of Protestant Religions which number over 1 billion members also .
And we have Jehovah`s Witnesses who have been preaching in all the inhabited Earth (gag) only in lands already witnessed to by Christendom whom they have poached from for about 140 years and only can muster up 18 million half of which do not and will not commit to the JW faith only going for family mainly and friends because of emotional blackmail.
Correct me if I am wrong but I would hazard a guess that at least a third of the worlds population has never been witnessed to or even heard of Jehovah`s witnesses today in the year 2018
So much for witnessing to the world or the ends of the earth.
Not to mention all of the other Eastern Orthodox Religions ,Russian Orthodox Religions ,Polish National Catholics ,Greek Orthodox Religions and many many more