Jesus was a fan of the Hebrew god of the Hebrew Scriptures who was a Monster to say the least ,a homicidal maniac bent on destroying civilizations sanctioning genocide ,the rape of women ,the killing of infants ,old men, women and children ,slaughtering thousands of animals as sacrifices to fill his lust for blood and he promises to do so again in the future ?
Jesus also said he came divide families ,father against mother brother against sister and so forth.
And he is also happy to be the principle one to slaughter all of mankind in the Apocalypse .
My question for those still believing Jehovah`s Witnesses who believe in God /Jesus :
If God loved the world so much he gave his only begotten Son as a sacrifice why is it only confined to a small religious sect known as Jehovah`s Witnesses in the world that at present has only made only limited inroads in 1/3rd of the worlds population all established Christian nations foundations laid by Christendom
after about 140 years of operation and 104 years since Jesus has supposedly has been ruling as King in the Heavens. ?
How about Jehovah /Jesus Christ preach to the countries that Apostate Christendom hasn`t already converted ? like India , Pakistan ,Saudi Arabia ,Syria , Jordan ,Bangladesh ,Indonesia ,Phililpines ,etc,etc,etc,
Or don`t these people mean anything to Jehovah or Christ Jesus
So much for his love of the world of mankind .