If they d'fed you and start shunning you will they terminate your recurring payments?
And would they give back all you have donated beforehand ?
I think it would be no to both questions.
this was announced a couple of weeks ago on the clam.
you can now donate to any congregation, the worldwide work, and assemblies online.
further they have implemented recurring payments "because the hard part about donating is remembering to donate," they actually said that!
today is my birthday :) in happy to be able to say that guilt free!
a friend and client and former politician just called me.
he knows people in the media and had offered a few months back to see if anyone would be interested in doing a story on what i'm doing through my podcasts this jw life" and "shunned".
of course i was excited but things take time and you never know if they'll pan out.
if we eliminate all the controversial and confusing verses attributed to jesus we will get the crystal clear truth from him because his source was (1) god which can be seen from his habit of early morning talking to god in prayer (mark 1:35; john 8:1, 2) which would not have been for material blessings (mathew 6:8; 16:24), and (2) also observance of people.. 1) jesus who said judgment is based on whether we acted humanely or not (mathew 25:31-46) would not have spoken about god’s people and pagans (which means bulk of the things found in gospel had not been spoken/done by jesus).. 2) another important truth he said was about the real key to our happiness which he said is with each one of us.
(luke 17:21).
from his observance of history, he knew there are people from adversities who made great contribution to the world; and there are people from all abundance who lived a life of wastage accomplishing nothing; and there are people who are mixed in varying degree.
no sé si ya compartieron los bosquejos de esta asamblea regional.
pero de no ser así, los voy a dejar para sus descargas.
creo que más adelante compartiré también todos videos que se mencionan en los bosquejos.
has anybody heard anything about this new store?
[link removed].
Many years ago I had a good friend in the "truth" who got caught up in a "scheme" going around the congregations on how to lose weight.
He went around in a T-shirt with the slogan "Lose Weight ? Ask Me How"
The trouble was he had a 5 gallon keg of beer for a gut .
It was quite funny at the time.
has anybody heard anything about this new store?
[link removed].
I see this as a couple who have seized on this as an opportunity to make money out of exploiting members of a religion selling them stuff they don`t really want or need while appealing to their emotional attachment to the Jehovah`s witness religion.
Opportunists making money off of the gullible.
just my 2 cents worth.
It`s not the first time JW`s have made or tried to make money off of their fellow brethren selling or promoting one scheme or another and it won`t be the last time .
ok, so you all looked here??.
this thread is prompted by losch's stupid 'decrees' in the march 2018 broadcast, where he denounced online information that may be 'negative' about the organization.. it strikes me that the gb are so dumb!
the moment someone says "dont look at something", human curiousity will make most people look.
This thread is prompted by Losch's stupid 'decrees' in the March 2018 broadcast, where he denounced online information that may be 'negative' about the organization.
Can somebody please download this ?
I think it`s great news , curiosity is a normal trait of human thinking and if someone is telling me not to investigate something my immediate thought is what do they not want me to know ?
So the first thing I do is look at what they don`t want me to see. Bingo I see TTATT
Unfortunately there are still those who will not look at anything other than the borg site for fear of Satan taking over their brains.
I think that applies mainly to old timers and not so much with the younger generation of JW`s of today .
I tend to believe that the biggest exodus of JW`s is going to come from the younger generation in the near future.
Maybe you can`t teach an old dog new tricks however the younger generation are a different kettle of fish with the new technology of information /internet etc.
i came across this article in the magazine psychology today.
it is about the traits of poor leaders in the field of employment although you could easily think it had been written about the gb.
It sounds like you are not only talking about the Governing Body Members of the Jehovah`s Witnesses but you could also apply it to :
1 .Jehovah God with numbers 2, 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , and 8 I`ll let him off with number one after all he is God .
2. Jesus Christ with numbers All of the above 1-8 I can`t do the same with this guy
They both do qualify as leaders in their own right according to them don`t they ? and their followers ?
for a long time, i was convinced jehovah witnesses were just people preaching the word of god in a different way than other christians.
i was shown the real truth over the past few months.
i've been friends with this guy for over 5 years.
Kom197 ,You sound like an intelligent young woman who has her head firmly implanted on her shoulders whatever you do don`t prove me wrong by continuing to be involved with this guy whose thinking is torn between satisfying the Elders of his religion and his penis .
I`m sorry to put it so bluntly but that is what it boils down to.
Jehovah`s Witnesses believe a marriage is a three-fold unit , the bride ,the groom ,and Jehovah (read the Elders /Governing body / and WTB&TS organization )
I`m sorry you have wasted so much time with this guy.
And if you decide to stick it out with this guy and his religion you will be the loser .
By the way welcome to the forum you may have helped some other lurkers on here with your experience
OH and please keep us informed of your decision and how things pan out in your life as it can be a big help to others who may find themselves in a situation like yours.
Whatever path you tread I wish you all the best and the best of luck.