In the meantime China is just sitting on the sidelines thinking ,this is great, these two USA and Russia going hammer and tongs with each other ,when it`s all done and dusted we will just step in as the leading Superpower of the New World.
JoinedPosts by smiddy3
Armageddon started...
by mikeflood injust joking i really don't think so...but the situation in syria is pretty worrisome...just hearing the news that france and great britain are attacking with cruise missiles in 72 hours.
i mean assad is not gonna gasify his adversaries when he almost won the civil war.
trump too suspended a very important trip to the latinoamerican presidents summit in peru, just to 'oversee the american response to syria.
Older publications.
by Lost in the fog init's amazing what you can stumble upon on the internet these days.
i just came across this site.
maybe you already knew about it, but i did not.
The G.B. of Jehovah`s Witnesses are obviously ashamed / embarrassed with their earlier publications and they would not be happy with sites like this that show them.
As they try to re-write their own history
J.W.`s might like to hide them but thankfully sites like that showcase them for all the world to see.
Waiting for Jehovah's witnesses
by sinboi inmy mom : why are you leaving the door open?.
me : jehovah's wintesses are around.
i am waiting for them.. my mom ; what for?.
That`s clever sinboi you may have a life as a comic ?
Armageddon started...
by mikeflood injust joking i really don't think so...but the situation in syria is pretty worrisome...just hearing the news that france and great britain are attacking with cruise missiles in 72 hours.
i mean assad is not gonna gasify his adversaries when he almost won the civil war.
trump too suspended a very important trip to the latinoamerican presidents summit in peru, just to 'oversee the american response to syria.
Wishing that current world events are fulfilling Bible prophecy doesn`t make it so, either.
Just saying
My wife and I just had a wonderful experience today.
by smiddy3 inmy wife was looking through some old diary`s that we have lying around and found a ph.# of an old friend (jw) that we knew over 15 years ago .we were always curious as to what has happened to her as she was a dear friend for many years when we were in the "truth".
so she rings the number (,do you still have the same # that you had 15 yrs ago ?
) and this friend was a bit of a "gypsy" type so she wasn`t expecting much when she rang.. to cut a long story short we all had a good conversation we had been trying to find out about her all these years with no success and she was also trying to find out about us all these years with no success ,we had moved interstate.. nothing was said about religion though i suspect she is still associated with the borg.
An update : We have had a couple of calls since I last posted and surprising to me was that she never mentioned the memorial coming up ,nor has she mentioned anything about it afterwards.
With today`s call I thought hello here we go .She asked what I thought about what was going on in Syria.?
My answer was : Nothing new to see here rival nations have been at loggerheads since Adam was a boy ,same ole same ole ,it doesn`t mean anything .She just laughed
And that was that ,I then handed the phone over to my wife who had a long conversation afterward but nothing was said regarding religion.
I have to hold my tongue because my wife says let her be ,she`s happy don`t cause waves ,she is a friend from our past and she doesn`t shun us.
So I bite my tongue and keep my mouth shut.
Armageddon started...
by mikeflood injust joking i really don't think so...but the situation in syria is pretty worrisome...just hearing the news that france and great britain are attacking with cruise missiles in 72 hours.
i mean assad is not gonna gasify his adversaries when he almost won the civil war.
trump too suspended a very important trip to the latinoamerican presidents summit in peru, just to 'oversee the american response to syria.
Russia threatens to shutdown missiles sent to Syria and destroy their launchpads
Except that the missiles launched are not from launch pads they are from warplanes ?
So the next question is what will Russia do now shoot down the planes ? of either France, England or America ?
Interesting times ahead but not validating any J.W prophecy`s in any shape or form.
JWs and daily Bible reading schedule
by AuntBee injws often point to this, to show outsiders they are allowed to read the bible on their own without the publications.
although, as we know, the org still teaches that you will never progress along the road to life without the pubs.
and, i would imagine that what they learn/conclude from their own bible reading, must remain within the confines of current wt teaching, even on the most minute points of doctrine.
If Jehovah`s Witnesses really read the Bible without their Watchtower rosy red glasses on they would clearly see that their is not one scripture in the Christian Greek Scriptures (NT) that instructs Christians to witness to,for,or about Jehovah , not one.
However their are over 30 scriptures instructing Christians to witness about Jesus
JW`s obviously don`t read their Bibles with a hearing ear or a seeing eye.
JWs on campus
by Sarabethy init's my first time on this site though i am no stranger in the ex-jw community.
i come to you now asking for your assistance in what to present to the dean of students at my university.. why am i meeting with dean of students, you may ask?
because today, while innocently finishing an assignment in the school library, i happened to look out the window and see the jws with their stupid little cart.
Well done Sarabethy you have given a good "witness" about TTATT with the Dean and other students
PORTUGAL: Petition to terminate the legal entity of the Jehovah's Witness gets national news coverage
by EdenOne inthe petition is now going on 537 signatures.. today the newspaper "diário de notícias", the leading non-tabloid newspaper in the country, gave the story front page coverage and a full page to the article inside.. here are the links to the pictures of the pages:.
front page:.
page 6 and article: .
Are you OK Ruby456 ? Could you send me a pm ? and talk privately ?
JWs and the Holocaust
by Stealth inthe jws always like to highlight their persecution during the holocaust.
while true, the chart below showing numbers of victims for jw was the lowest of all persecuted groups.
even lower than spanish republicans.. im guessing there have been more victims due to the wt blood policy.
Im guessing there have been more victims due to the WT blood policy.
Sad to say I think you would be right on that score .
While I was still in many years ago I read a book called "Commandant Of Auschwitz" by Rudolph H. not to be confused with the other infamous Rudolph H.
I even quoted it in a talk I gave to a congregation , in it he gave a commendation to women JW`s who were assigned to look after SS children as nanny`s and as I remember he was amazed and puzzled that these sisters never tried to convert the children in their care to their faith.