Not everybody appreciated Mike & Kim videos ,however they did fill a niche in exposing the WT/JW in one form or another.
And for that I am grateful to them
due to watchtower flagging the mike & kim videos on youtube for copyright, youtube is giving them 6 days before they are shutting down their entire youtube channel.
can you help with a mass downloading program and then reuploading them on a mirror ?
would hate to lose all those good videos!
Not everybody appreciated Mike & Kim videos ,however they did fill a niche in exposing the WT/JW in one form or another.
And for that I am grateful to them
in my kingdom hall people see me as rude but to me i dont understand how.for me having to talk to adults is not bad but for me its one thing if i dont know you and so i have my guard up at all times and i have a fuck off tone in my voice.but some of the brothers seem they like kids to much.. one more thing i have the a fuck off tone some times is because a lot of brothers i kinda know (hint kinda know) ask me about my school life.what i mean is not ''hey how's school?
'' i mean and im not joking when i say i have been asked.
''so have you had to turn down any girls yet?
My heart goes out to any kid/juvenile that has to attend meetings or worse still, FS just to obey their parents who are brainwashed .
I know i put my kids through that I`m ashamed to say
I just hope everything eventually works out well for you Akid48 . theirs not much any of us can do but just support you as best we can.
andrew schofield, a spokesman for jehovah’s witnesses in britain, states: “for almost 60 years, our administrative operations for britain have been located in london.
however, larger facilities became necessary due to the increased demand for bible-related literature and materials.
we began site preparation on the 34-hectare (approx.
You cannot trust one word of what they have ever printed or spoken, everything has been either misleading or plain wrong. Surely there must be a prize somewhere for a record like this?
How do you nominate them into the Guinness Book Of records for failed / misleading prophecy /expectations /backflips /deniers of their own printed material/re-writing their own history ,and blaming all of this on the rank and file for getting ahead of themselves
Jehovahs Witnesses would win this nomination hands down ,no other organization cult or otherwise would come within cooee of them.
Nobody has mentioned Ned Kelly ? how about Heath Ledger ? and AFL ? We are coming to a place near you .
a newspaper reports that in bornem, belgium, a jw volunteer was critically injured after being electrocuted:.
bornem - a man was electrocuted while performing maintenance on a high voltage installation in the assembly hall of jw in bornem friday afternoon.
the man was critically injured.. possibly the man, who is a volunteer with the jw, tried to clean the installation with a vacuum cleaner.
I could only hope that his family sue the arse off of the JW/WT religion ,for whatever reason good lawyers can come up with.
But if they are all brain dead JW`s he will have died in vain serving a cult who wont compensate them enough for his death.
the presumably "biblical" practice of limiting the way women participate in congregational matters of the wtborg cult inc. (as well as certain other sects of christendom) may be a gross mis-interpretation of what paul meant.
i'm inclined to agree completely with this account of what paul really meant.. thoughts anyone?
aren't women more deserving of greater participation and respect?.
That says a lot Zeb doesn`t it ,what about all the faithful women who had positions of '"worth and authority" in the the Bible the JW`s are supposed to base their religion on ?
have da'd myself nearly 3 months ago.
now i am part of this world but i feel myself the odd one out.
something inside me is still blocking me to do the things i have been longing to do while i was still a jw, such as attending birthday parties, sex, etc.... just last nite, i was on the way to attend a birthday party.
Why would you want to" sin" or commit a "crime" simply because you no longer believe the JW religious teachings .?
I know you are young and impressionable ,however leaving the religion does`nt mean you have to commit a sin or a crime.
Obviously you are under the misguided belief that everybody who leaves the JW religion is going to embark on an orgy of sin and depravity . A belief that is reinforced in the WT publications and JW.Org media.
A belief that is totally without foundation.
This is nothing more than propaganda put out by the WTB&TS to try and curb people leaving the JW`s.religion.
Don`t do anything irrational and certainly do not commit a crime that would ruin your life.
pm me if you want to talk outside of the public forum
so we know that by jw logic, the idea is that everyone who dies is acquitted of their sin and will get a resurrection in the "new world".
however, those directly destroyed by god, or at his command will not.
(for example, those destroyed in the flood.
The WT taught that the resurrected ones would not suffer again the Adamic death of original sin passed on from Adams disobedience ",the wages of sin is death" Rom.6:23 and once you have died you are free from the sin of Adam
So if one is resurrected he/she would never die again because of Adams sin since he/she has been freed from it.
Humans mistakenly believe that this makes them immortal ,that they can never die again and nothing is further from the truth.
{ Although it does make for good horror movies ]
Resurrected humans may very well be free of the inherited death through sin caused by Adam which all of his offspring were subjected to ,however resurrected ones were now living by the grace of God and he holds the right to whether such ones live or die.
just as he does with Angels ,Angels are not immortal ,and are certainly not under the Adamic death sentence.
They live by the grace of God and if and when he chooses their life can be snuffed out.
Their are a few accounts where faithful servants were resurrected and therefore were freed from Adams sin , yet they later died ! why ?
Not because of the sin of Adam , but because it was not in Gods plan before all things came to pass in scripture.
In other words not in his due time .Their is nothing to say he cant resurrect them again if he so chooses.
After all he is the Almighty God isnt he ? nothing is impossible.
If you believe the Jehovahs Witnesses and the Bible.
have da'd myself nearly 3 months ago.
now i am part of this world but i feel myself the odd one out.
something inside me is still blocking me to do the things i have been longing to do while i was still a jw, such as attending birthday parties, sex, etc.... just last nite, i was on the way to attend a birthday party.
Don`t worry sinboi what you are going through is normal .It takes time sometimes a lot of time to shake the shackles of sin/guilt that religions and especially cult religions subject you to.
Time and getting used to normal relationships with fellow human beings that are not living in fear of a vengeful God or the pie in the sky of a paradise earth ,both of which have kept you captive in a cult for so long ,once you go beyond these fears will be your beginning of a new life.
One that you are in control of and nobody else.{ isn`t that why God gave us a brain ? to think and reason for ourselves ?and not to be dictated to by some organisation religious or otherwise ? }
One that you will have destiny over and not one that is dictated to you by a cult religion from a few men in the USA.
so...i watched the new netflix movie, "uncknowledged" by dr steven greer today fierce hearing to dj's discussing it on the radio, minds blown.
it makes a strong case for ufo's and totally screws up jw doctrine about the earth having the only intelligent life in the universe, as it is where the issue of universal sovereignty is played out and decided....the gb will need to do some fast talking.
it will be fascinating to blow some jw minds with this.
After watching it myself I am prepared to go along with much of what Morpheus has already said.
Another thing that stretches the BS meter is the 6 inch Alien corpse ? I mean c`mon really ? it was supposed to have been verified as being a fact by "experts" in that field of identifying living organisms years ago. ....and nothing.
I would suggest you as an interested person in this subject look at other Steven Greer videos he has made a few over the years .
I think it comes under the "Sirius " series . maybe you will get a more balanced view by watching his other videos.
One that comes to my mind by memory is a meeting with prominent world governmental officials is one person challenging another person and relating to them as being Catholic and accepting the Virgin Mary as true and so was the evidence provided in the video.( or words to that effect)
This was a couple of years ago and my experience with religion closed that one down.
He has also been involved with meditation and chants with some of his groups he started or supports worldwide.
One other thing that has always bothered me is in this day and age with everybody having the technology that is now available why is all the available images of UFO`s so grainy and fleeting when they have supposed to be flying around in some cases for hours ?
Have you ever seen a clear video ,picture ,photo of a UFO ?......Why not ?
And as I have said before I have seen unexplained sightings a couple of times in my life however I am not ready to jump on the bandwagon with any or every one who believes in ET