??? I`m with you Tahoe ,what gives with so many changes ?
I posted a comment on the link
just ~one~ company changed names 27 times??
jws have many llcs, makes my head spin.
company info.
??? I`m with you Tahoe ,what gives with so many changes ?
I posted a comment on the link
one or two notable points from chapter 18 of "god's kingdom rules.".
“it will never beg nor petition men for support”.
7 brother russell and his associates refused to imitate the money-raising schemes so common in the churches of christendom.
“‘Zion’s Watch Tower’ has, we believe, JEHOVAH for its backer, and while this is the case it will never beg nor petitionmen for support. (oh-oh!) When He.........fails to provide necessary funds, we will understand it to be time to suspend the publication.”
So why do Jehovah`s Witnesses beg and petition for monetary support at the KH meetings ,Assembly` s and International Conventions.?
Why do they continually ask for the brothers and sisters to make up a shortfall in contributions to cover the costs of providing these venues ?
Does`nt Jehovah provide ? Isn`t Jehovah their backer ?
The org’s recent 4 page letter of solicitation “advises” [demands] that all congregations should donate every excess cent to the org)
“It Will Never Beg nor Petition Men for Support”
It`s amazing what a hundred years can do to nullify what the founder of the JW religion said, C.T.Russell would be turning over in his grave by now.
i was told this when i was an aspiring jw, aka unbaptized publisher.
the above explanation didn't make sense to me then and it never did make sense throughout my jw career.
over time, it appeared to me the real purpose of field service time reporting was to gauge one's spirituality and for the ceo *cough* co to make sure the elders were on top of things during his visit..
JW`s claim their religion is based on first century Christianity .
Where in the NT do believers count their time spent in the ministry.?
Where in the Bible did Christians ever refuse a blood transfusion , oops transfusions didnt exist then.
However king Davids men ate meat that was not bled according to the law and he and his men were not held accountable ever ,why not ?
Because human life was at stake.
Yet Jehovah`s Witnesses sacrifice the life of their members Adults and Children with their no blood policy rather than save a human life.
According to the Christian Scriptures only Jesus blood was to be shed on behalf of mankind , however JW`s are not content with just Jesus shed blood they offer up man Woman and Child to shed their blood to Christ Jesus /Jehovah
nk has fired another icbm over japan.. the missile flew 2,300 miles at an altitude of 480 miles.
a korean spokesman has said about japan, “the four islands of the archipelago should be sunken into the sea by the nuclear bomb of juche.
japan is no longer needed to exist near us”.
Surely their must be some high ranking military personal in NK that believe this guy running the country is nuts and we will have to have a coup to get rid of him ?
It happens all the time with nutters that are going to wreak havoc on the nation sooner or later ?
K.J.U is only one man ,history tells us their are others who would like to depose him ,I think they should hurry up and get their act together before it`s too late.
The whole country is a quasi-religious cult of personality much as China was under Mao Zedong.
Point taken ,but you cant tell me their arent Officials in power their that don`t believe that bullshit and if they get the opportunity they will take him out before he brings the country to ruin.
Its just a matter of how do they do it with the least casualties.
it seems that many witness parents are simply taking the lazy option when it comes to raising their children.. by this i mean, they will happily outsource the education of their kids to the ready-made information on jwdotorg.. need to keep the toddler busy?
just stick him in front of a colourful caleb and sophia cartoon.
or lets play coloring-in on ready made pictures of bible characters getting killed.. need to manipulate the mind of your growing child?
I think you have struck gold here stuckinarut2
,because what lazy is ,is what lazy does.{ Compliments of Forrest Gump }
From what I have learned here these past 10 years on this board parents of children nowadays do not have the same in depth knowledge of the Bible or even the reasons the JW religion has for believing/accepting this or that doctrine.
Not like the old days when JW`s could hold their own with a discussion on what they believed and why they believed it.
Those days have apparently gone ,why ? because Jehovahs Witnesses Adults have become lazy and just rely on what the GB say without seeking out why the GB say this or that ,they just blindly follow on.
So no wonder the children of these parents can no longer defend what they believe with scriptures .
The whole religion has been dumbed down to:
" You want to know what Jehovah`s Witnesses believe ? here you go log on to JW.Org and all your questions will be answered"
jehovah's witnesses appeal russian decision on declaring them extremist organization.
[40 page court argument with 166 points.].
One part of me agrees with the ban and the other part of me thinks their must be other ways the Government can take.
Banning any organization has it`s pros & cons.
Russia could lift the ban on being a JW if that is what the case is now ,however refuse the Organization from owning any property in Russia ,and banning any public "witnessing".
Also banning any literature printed by or for the beliefs of JW`s.to be distributed in any of Russian controlled territories.
They could also have regular "expose" articles in their newspapers official and otherwise using ex JW`s experiences like we have here.
Highlighting false doctrines,practices that have been discarded,false prophecy`s ,flip flops of beliefs once held as "true" etc.etc. You get my drift.
What do you think about these suggestions and please if you can think of other ways without actually banning an individual for wanting to be a JW , just restricting their activities then please lets hear them.
Thanks for the update jwleaks.i`m just looking for alternatives that may have the same desired effect.
so after three years of fading, my elder father has never really asked why we have chosen to stop attending.. today, after a mixed discussion, he starts talking about the "solution to all the world problems" and says "i don't know what you now believe, but i believe gods kingdom will fix everything" i let the comment go, and didn't respond.. then he goes on about the video "remember the wife of lot" because he just came from the convention last weekend.
"don't get caught up in this system...blah blah".
i couldn't help myself, and said one thing "dad, that video failed to show the next chapter of that account.
He responded by shutting down the conversation and saying "your apostasy has clearly gone too far. I will NOT allow you to subvert my faith! This conversation is over!"
I know it`s easy for me to say and in hindsight but maybe if you had not let him shut down the conversation then and their but continued on with well this is what Gods word the Bible states Lot had sex not with one of his two daughters but both of them on two different occasions .
And Jehovah God views him as a righteous man ? A man and his actions to be included in the Bible?
I think we let these people off too lightly ,we should hit them hard with facts they don`t want to hear.
pussyfooting around with them doesn`t help them and only frustrates us.
But then I`m not in this situation so it`s easy for me to say this
But i`m just saying.
in natural calamities, everyone (despite one’s faith) is affected.
when one denies god’s existence, he experiences no punishment from him.
when one worships him, he receives no special favor from him.
Venus when I read your views on GOD ,I don`t see any difference with a person who believes in ET / Aliens ,the same arguments seem to apply .
Are they both the same in your view?
Do you think GOD started life on earth and then left us to our own devices ? without intervening at any time ?
Alternatively do you think Alien life Forms ET, started life on earth and has left us to work out our own destiny.
I`m just curious and look forward to your response.
i've been hearing this from what i'd call 'dyed in the wool' type jobos.. 'it's not the same as it was a few years ago.....'.
i believe from what comes back to me via my spies -.
the dyed in the woolers are referring to how the gb are now blatantly pontificating threateningly it seems, about wanting money even from children, all the time.
punkofnice /BB ,if I remember correctly Don Cameron took a phrase out of Ray Franz`s book COC ,that JW`s were Captives of A Concept ,and he wrote his book with that title
Captives Of A Concept by Don Cameron a former Elder I believe.
If nobody has read it I highly recommend it.
i had some witness that posted these.
What is it about Jehovah`s Witnesses that they delight in the destruction of their fellow human beings and have no empathy towards those who suffer loss of their loved ones ?
And they have proved by their treatment of their own flesh and blood in disowning and shunning of children by parents and the shunning of parents by children and siblings shunning siblings.
And these are not isolated cases this is the norm in the religion of Jehovah`s Witnesses.
All because one or the other does`nt want to be one of Jehovah`s Witness anymore
Rom.1:31 describes them this way " they have no natural affection"
I could`nt describe it any better.