That Christendom has kept the name of God "Jehovah" from her members for Centuries is just another lie they have told and repeated over the years so that many JW`s and ex JW`s still think is a fact.
However nothing is further from the truth. Christendom has used the name of Jehovah for God since at least the 13th Century plainly visible on and in Church buildings in Europe and other parts of the world including Australia.
The name also features in literature ancient and modern pertaining to the Bible as well as hymns in Christendom to this day.
Christendom has followed the Christian Greek Scriptures (New Testament) of highlighting the name of Jesus as the name that is to be held up above every other name {not Jehovah}
Of course JW`s have to be different and defy the Christian Greek Scriptures and exult the name of Jehovah.