Gen.3:22 indicates their are other Gods, otherwise why would he say "Here the man has become like one of us knowing good and bad"
Just saying.
if there were only one god, why do we encounter the expression, "most high god"?.
is this not indicative of polytheism, and of levels (or degrees) of god-ness?.
doug .
we all know that this cult will drive those trying to leave to desperate measures, and today by brother was very nearly one of those statistics.
he slashed his thigh with a kitchen knife and was bleeding out until he called the police.. i got a call on my way home from work from a police officer, coincidentally it was one of my old friends from school who's now a cop.
he told me my brother is in hospital after an attempted suicide and has lost some blood but will be ok. but i should get to the hospital as he's asking for me.
I`m sorry you had to go through that PE ,my thoughts are with you,I hope your brother comes out of this experience alright.
Take care
we want people to learn ttatt.
we have numerous resources online to draw jws in so that they will wake up.
however, i've noted some radical methods that have been used by fellow exjws, and quite frankly, this must stop.
If God is able to listen to the prayers of billions of people (as all religions teach), then it must equally be easy for God to communicate with all people simultaneously. Without going for such an easy option, why does He use people like you to communicate with other people?
Good point Venus ,and I don`t think anything more can be added to that statement it sums it up completely !
dear friends,.
the 2018 super bowl is an event that will attract the attention of millions of people, and will draw guests from around the world.
it is being held in minneapolis, minnesota this february 4th.
Maybe they should display on their carts how they discourage competitive sports in there literature and frown on people who excel in their sport as it promotes putting individuals on a pedestal ,idol worship ,and takes away from glory and worship that should be given to Jehovah ,in their eyes.
Completely ignoring the Christian Greek Scriptures that Jesus is the name that is given above every other name and to be worshiped .Php 2:10
dear friends,.
the 2018 super bowl is an event that will attract the attention of millions of people, and will draw guests from around the world.
it is being held in minneapolis, minnesota this february 4th.
You have to be kidding me ,is this for real ? The way the WT organization spin this ,is that the cart witnessing is a phenomenal success ,placing much literature ,starting many Bible studies and bringing hordes into the religion before the end comes.
The reality judging by what has been demonstrated on this board since they started cart witnessing is nothing like what the GB would have you believe.
Nobody takes any notice of them ,Oh ,except maybe an ex JW who might try to engage them in a discussion which more than likely they don`t want to do except point you to JW.Org for any questions you may have ?
They have to be a joke right ? an embarrassing joke at that.
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
The Big Chill
For A Few Dollars More
Happy birthday Cimarrona for your 25th from down under and may their be many more celebrations free from the cult
crazy kim again....could happen?
Any person who thinks NK will attack the USA or her Allies with missiles or nuclear weapons is just not thinking.
He just wants the world to take notice of him and his country,not to be pulverized into oblivion .
so yesterday a family friend who was never age overs witness give me a phone call.
he says that he is quite upset with me and wants to give me a chance to explain why i'm treating my father so portly.
mind you i have not seen my father or mother in about 3 years and they refused to talk to me except for the occaisional crazy letter that my mother will send.. anyway my the family friend stated that he spoke to my mother and brother and they both told him that because i choose to leave the religion and in turn separate myself from the family it has caused my 80 something year old father a tremendous amount of stress and she is becoming sick and they're not sure how much longer he will be with us.. shoot felipe nothing they say really bothers me much anymore but the fact that i'm being accused of slowly killing my father because i've decided to make a decision that's better from my own family is actually quite frustrating to me.. give you hours after having of the conversation with our family friend i get a call from my older brother who then begins to be raped me and tells me that i should accept responsibility for the fact that i am the cause of our ejean father's poor health and that leaving jehovah causes problems not only for me but for those who love me.
They want to blame you for the actions they have taken to shun you? That`s just crazy. Typical JW blame everybody else but themselves for the situation there in.
I like JaniceA`s suggestion see how that goes maybe with the added words" you left me I didn`t leave you".
i awoke in the middle of the night to banging on my door.
i went to the door half asleep and asked who was there.
i heard “police.” my dog was going crazy, so i slipped outside to talk to them.
That would have been a frightening/weird experience JRK ,you wouldn`t want that to happen too often